Chapter 59

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When I tell you I've had this chapter planned for months :)

Auriga sat down at the kitchen table of Grimmauld Place in her usual seat facing the door. Up before her were Mr and Mrs Weasley, the twins and Granger. She picked up one of the three copies of the Prophet and peered at the headline.


"About time too," said Auriga to no one in particular.

"Have you worked with him before?" asked one of the Weasley twins.

"A little," Auriga admitted, "Mainly when I was trying to get evidence against Sirius for my reports."

"You must've spent ages looking for him," said Granger, picking at some eggs Mrs Weasley had made for her.

"Two years of my limited career," said Auriga wistfully.

"I do wish you'd eat something," said Mrs Weasley, performing her usual morning routine.

"Would it make you feel better if I made some-" Auriga began, but was interrupted when someone leaned over behind her.

"Coffee?" Remus suggested, place a large steaming mug in front of her. Auriga smiled at him as he sat down next to her and Molly placed some bacon in front of him.

"Thank you, Remus," said Auriga, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Oh you had a letter, Auriga," said Mrs Weasley, placing a Ministry envelope in front of her.

"Merlin's pants," she mumbled as she tore it open. She skim read it once, then again. "Merlin's pants!" she exclaimed.

"Is it to do with your house?" asked Remus, sipping at his own coffee as Draco entered, shortly followed by Ginny.

"No, I sold it ages ago," said Auriga dismissively. She read the letter again.

Dear Miss Auriga Malfoy,

As you are most likely aware, I have been made Minister for Magic in recent days. As a highly qualified witch, with experience both in the ranks of and fighting He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his Death Eaters, I would like to offer you a position in the Auror Office, effective at your soonest availability.

I must press the urgency of your employment, as you're clearly a valuable asset to our team, and your experiences have no match in our training program.

If you would respond to this owl with a meeting date if your earliest convenience, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time,

Rufus Scrimgeour
Minister for Magic

"What is it?" asked Draco, who now had his own coffee and was refusing anything else for breakfast.

"They...they want me back at work," said Auriga, still trying to take in the full contents of the letter. The Auror Office?

"Well that's good," said Remus, "Isn't it?"

"They want to put me in the Auror Office," she continued. "They're saying my experiences have no match - is that supposed to persuade me?"

"I think you should take it to Dumbledore," suggested Remus, "He'll know how to respond."

"Who's they?" asked Draco, and Granger pushed a newspaper towards him. "Oh."

"Definitely take it to Dumbledore," agreed Mr Weasley, "Although he probably already knows."

"Well, we're off out," said one of the twins as they rose from the table and grabbed their jackets.

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