Chapter 60

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Happy reading you lovely folks :) Also in the last chapter Auriga high-key outed Harry and Draco. Don't do that. Not cool. We're working on some character development :)

"I just want to say," began Draco as Remus shut the drawing room door behind them, "That I am absolutely not OK with this."

"Why not?" demanded Auriga, noting that Remus was the only one to sit down.

"If you don't mind," began Draco, "I'd rather not say while he's here." Auriga thought Draco was being generous by not referring to her boyfriend as 'it' as she once had.

"Tough," Auriga said, crossing her arms.

"Fine," said Draco, "Werewolves kill people. Or make them into werewolves. And quite frankly, I don't want that for you or me."

"So you're scared of him," Auriga said.

"No," Draco said, frowning, "I just want what's best for you."

"And what might that be?"

"Auriga," said Draco, a plea lacing his voice, "He's dangerous."

"I can assure you that's not the case most of the time," said Remus, and Auriga went to sit next to him. Draco visibly shifted. "And when it is, the last place I want to be is near people, so I plan ahead."

"What about your smell?" said Draco, "Can't he smell you?"

Remus chuckled and Draco frowned at him. "My apologies. Your sister said the exact same thing. That's a myth, and I honestly don't know where it comes from."

"Our mother," said Auriga and Draco in unison.

"Well it's not true," Remus promised, "I don't remember your scent."

Draco looked thoughtful for a moment. "What about his job?" he asked, looking triumphant. "Or lack of?"

"Are you saying people without jobs are inherently bad?" challenged Auriga, her voice dark. She'd been unemployed since her arrest after all.

"," Draco stammered. "No, I'm not. Never mind."

Auriga sighed. "It's OK to be scared Draco-"

"I'm not-"

"I was too." Draco frowned at her and sat down on a different sofa. "But do you know what I was more scared of?" Draco didn't move. "Augustus. And everything he stood for and what he represented in my life." Draco was fidgeting in his seat now. "But do you know how to tell the difference between a good person and a bad person? One will help you, no matter the cost or consequences for them, and the other will cause you as much pain as they can."

"He helped you?" asked Draco, his voice a drawl that had clearly been rehearsed many a time. Auriga knew because she'd had to practice it too.

"Yes," said Auriga, "He saved my life more than once. Before the Order, even. But Remus has also helped me to see the bigger picture of the world we live in. Helped me fight against my internalised prejudices. And he is one of the gentlest, kindest, most patient people you'll ever meet, and I hope that you can see that."

Draco nodded, his face expressionless, his eyes frustrated. "Fine," he eventually said, before looking over to Remus. "Fine." He stood up, and Auriga watched as he made his way from the drawing room, shutting the door carefully behind him.

Auriga let out a breath. "That was intense."

"D-did you mean that?" sniffed Remus from next to her. Auriga frowned and looked at him, and was surprised to see tear tracks all over his face.

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