Chapter 53

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Song recommendation:
When You Love Someone - James TW

Auriga walked back downstairs to the room with the stone dias where every conscious person was gathered, Remus's arm still wrapped around her shoulders. It was almost as if he was scared that if he let go, she'd disappear again, but Auriga was glad it was there. His hand on her shoulder grounded her, made her feel safe.

She felt a lump form in her throat as she saw Shacklebolt stand from next to Nymphadora's body. He whispered something to Sirius, who nodded and mustered a small smile, before going to sit back with Longbottom and performing a few small healing spells.

Potter had come in just before them, and was sat with Draco, perched on the edge of the dias. Auriga walked quickly forward, and Remus released her. Her brother looked up on her approach, saw her smiling face, and stood up, rushing forward too. The two embraced each other tightly, and Auriga felt the shoulder of her robes dampen slightly. He'd had a growth spurt while she was away, and was now as tall as she was. Maybe a tiny bit taller. She wasn't about to admit it though. "It was Mother, wasn't it?" Draco said as they pulled apart, and Auriga wiped a fat tear from his cheek.

"I don't know, Squirt," she said, her voice quiet and soft. "I'm not sure what happened."

"Professor Snape said it was," said Draco quickly. "Harry said that Black told him so in an Order meeting. She blocked your memories, I'm sure she did."

Auriga nodded and released her brother, drawing her wand and whirling around, only to come face-to-face with Sirius. "Where d'you think you're going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"To kill my mother," said Auriga, trying to push past him.

Draco put a hand on her shoulder behind her. "I'm coming too," he said, sounding determined.

"You're going back to school," said Sirius to Draco, and Auriga felt him relax slightly. "And you're coming with us back to Grimmauld Place."

"So it's this side's turn to kidnap me, is it?" challenged Auriga.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Don't shoot the messenger, that's just what Dumbledore said. I'm just waiting for him to clear both of us with the Minister."

"Oh," said Auriga, pocketing her wand. "I'm...not actually innocent."

"So you did burn down that mansion!" said Potter, joining the conversation.

"It was a manor, not a mansion," corrected Draco. "Potter," he added as an afterthought. Auriga tried to keep her face straight.

"Dumbledore's working on clearing you now," said Sirius, "You did save ol' Moony's life, and it was Death Eater headquarters." Auriga nodded and went to sit down near where Nymphadora and Moody were laying.

Potter came and sat next to her, attempting to be subtle as he waved Draco away, who went to sit (reluctantly) with Longbottom. "Uh, Professor?" he asked, and Auriga looked up at him. "I just want to say sorry...and thank you." Auriga frowned at him. "You told me that by keeping me at Hogwarts, you risked disappearing for a while. did. So thanks. For keeping me around and stuff."

Auriga almost chuckled. "I did say that, didn't I?" she said, remembering telling him off after Quidditch. "Thank you," she said with what she hoped was a warm smile. "You look like you've really helped Draco. Especially when I couldn't."

Potter's eyes grew wide. "He-he told you about that?"

Auriga nodded. "He did. And I'm glad that he has someone like you there for him."

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