Chapter 22

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Auriga disapparated straight from the Manor to the gates of Hogwarts, and moments later Shacklebolt showed up. Auriga resisted the temptation to roll her eyes. "Have they only sent you?" she asked, almost shrivelling her nose up.

"Apparently Dumbledore's already done a full sweep of the castle and grounds," Shacklebolt explained. "He only sent for Ministry personnel to update us."

Auriga snorted. "Of course he has," she said as she looked up the path where a faint white light was bobbing along. "Typical Dumbledore. Always interfering with Ministry business."

"Dumbledore is a great wizard!" defended Kingsley as the light neared.

"So was the Dark Lord," Auriga began, "Only-"

"Only a fool would say otherwise," came a drawling voice from the other side of the gate. Auriga peered through the gloom to see the hooked nose of the potions master. "A pleasure to have you back, Miss Malfoy," he said, the corners of his mouth upturned. Auriga had always been one of Snape's favourites, most likely because he knew her father so well. "Auror Shacklebolt."

"Well, it's a pleasure to be back, Professor," Auriga said with a smile as the pair passed through the gates and walked briskly up the drive. "Although, I must say the circumstances are unfortunate."

"But this is the only lead you have on the case," Snape pointed out with a sideways look at Shacklebolt. "Surely, you must be delighted."

Shacklebolt grunted. "I have to go the the International Confederation of Wizards Council and on Monday and tell them that Black has escaped again," Auriga retorted. "Something that they will not take well."

"But the incompetence of the Auror Office is not your blame," Snape assured her, and Shacklebolt grunted again. "Any reasonable wizard would see that."

"It is not our incompetence that is to blame here!" Shacklebolt exclaimed suddenly, to the silent amusement of the two Slytherins. Oh, how easy Gryffindors were to torment.

"I quite agree," said Auriga calmly. "If Dumbledore had alerted the Ministry sooner-"

"Black is a very capable wizard!" Shacklebolt protested. "The only to ever escape from Azkaban! It will take a miracle to find him!"

"Do me a favour," said Auriga as they walked into the Entrance Hall. "Don't put that in your next report. I can't explain it." Shacklebolt looked as though he might explode, but remained quiet until they reached the headmaster's office. Auriga had never actually been in here, so the spiralling staircase was quite the surprise. At the top was a wooden door, that Snape knocked on twice to announce their arrival before walking straight through with Kingsley in tow and Auriga taking up the rear.

"Auror Shacklebolt," Dumbledore said warmly, but seriously. "And Miss Malfoy. I'm surprised to see you."

"You ought not to be, Professor," Auriga said. "Did you not attend the last I.C.W meeting? You would know that I'm responsible for maintaining our international relations in this crisis."

"Oh, yes, I remember," he said pleasantly. "I think you know everyone here? Except, perhaps, Professor Lupin?"

Auriga's head snapped round at the mention of the familiar name and met eyes with Lupin. "Hello, Auriga," he said, smiling faintly, "And it's nice to meet you Auror Shacklebolt." He was sat next to McGonagall and Sprout, and Snape had taken a seat next to Flitwick.

"Do you know each other?" asked McGonagall with a frown.

"We've met once or twice," said Lupin before Auriga could answer. Merlin, how embarrassing! If her father heard about this, she dreaded to think what he'd say. Especially with the look Snape was giving her now.

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