Chapter 12

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Auriga yawned as she clambered out of bed to answer the persistent knocking at the door. It was eight-thirty-eight on a Saturday morning! Who would call at this hour?

She grabbed her wand from her dresser as she wrapped herself in her dressing gown, before stumbling downstairs while rubbing her eyes. "I'm coming," she called sleepily, as she unlocked the door. Her father stood, hair rippling in the late spring breeze, on her front step. He looked furious and uncomfortable.

"Father," Auriga said, presenting her face in a false smile. "Come in." She stepped back and Lucius swept inside, black robes billowing, as he peered around.

"Cup of tea?" she offered pleasantly, ignoring the look on his face, as she shut the door behind her.

"There'll be no need for that," he said stiffly, "Get dressed and pack your things. You're coming home with me."

Auriga stepped towards where he stood in the centre of the room. "Actually, Father," she said, "I'm going to stay here."

Lucius looked outraged, and took a menacing step forward, but Auriga stood her ground. "You will come with me to Malfoy Manor, or-"

"Or you'll disown me?" Auriga said. A fleeting look a surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was soon tossed away. "Yeah, I know the rules. But I'm happier here, alone, than I could ever be with Augustus. I'm not marrying him." He stepped back and looked away, still clearly seething with silent fury. "I'll come with you though," Auriga offered, and his head whipped around hopefully, "Only to collect my things," she added.

"I don't..." Lucius started, taking a deep breath, "I don't...understand. You're engaged. You helped plan the wedding." He put his hand on her shoulder, "You were perfectly happy to marry Augustus."

"I was never happy to marry Augustus," Auriga scoffed. When her father pulled a face, she explained further, "At first it was OK - we got on. We weren't in love but we were friends. But then he became violent and controlling and...I just had to go. I knew what I was risking. And I know you have to disown me. But I hope I can still visit. Even if I'm not part of the family?" He didn't respond, choosing to keep his face blank. "I don't need your money," she added, "I have a job."

A flicker of a smile crossed her father's face, before it returned to its usual stony expression. "Go and get dressed," he told her softly, "I'll take you to the Manor and you can get your things."


Auriga opened the door to her childhood home and held it open for her father, who swept past her and straight into the drawing room. Moments later, the door opened again and her mother stepped out, followed by the Carrows, Augustus and finally her father.

"Hello," she said tentatively, forcing a weak smile, "How are you all?"

"What do you think you're playing at, young lady?" Ceaser demanded, ignoring Tamara's calming hand. "Storming off after months of planning and preparation! I've got-"

"That's enough, Father!" Augustus said, walking across the hall towards Auriga. "Let's get her settled and we can discuss it. She's clearly been through quite the ordeal."

"Actually," Auriga began, "I-"

"That sounds like an excellent idea," Narcissa cut across, "We can sit in the garden and have a cup of tea."

Five minutes later and everyone was reluctantly sat at some Parisian garden furniture sipping at tea. Auriga was sat opposite Ceaser and beside her father, and she couldn't help but think she'd be ganged up on. "So," Ceaser said stiffly, "Would you care to explain what all this confusion's about?"

"Well," Auriga said nervously, "I suppose I'm calling off the engagement." Nobody said a word. Nobody even moved. Auriga dug in her pocket and found the ring, standing up and placing it in front of Augustus, "Here's your ring back."

"Now listen here-" Ceaser began.

"Sweetheart, think rationally," Augustus protested raising his voice.

"I've had enough time to think," Auriga said calmly, "I don't want to marry you."

"And yet you were perfectly happy to a month ago," Tamara said, her face growing red, "So what changed?"

"I wasn't happy, that's the point," Auriga reasoned, "It had been coming for awhile and eventually I decided I just couldn't go through with it."

"Yes, but why?" Tamara asked, exasperated, "I just don't understand why."

Auriga took a deep breath and looked directly into Augustus's furious green eyes, willing herself to speak. "He hit me."

"What?" Ceaser laughed, clearly thinking it was absurd.

"Augustus hit me," Auriga repeated, "More than once."

"I did no such thing!" Augustus protested, standing up and shouting, "Now you hold your tongue before you spread more of your venomous lies!"

"Do not accuse my daughter of lying!" Narcissa said, also raising her voice.

"You used the cruciatus curse on me!" Auriga screamed hysterically, now also standing. The group seemed to go silent for a small eternity. All that could be heard was the birds twittering and the breeze around them.

"Liar," Augustus finally spat.

"Now son," Ceaser said, also standing, "That isn't something someone could lie about. Are you sure you-"

"Of course I'm sure!" Augustus shouted at his father, "She is a lying-"

"Why did you not tell me this, Auriga?" Lucius said stiffly, but clearly seething beneath his stony facade.

"Because..." she said, thinking, "I was scared. And I didn't know if I wanted to leave yet." Everyone was silent once again. Tamara was staring at Auriga in concern, Narcissa was watching Lucius intently, Augustus glanced between Auriga and her father in disbelief and Ceaser was glaring at his son, apparently disgusted with him.

Lucius, who had been staring out onto the lawn, finally spoke. "Get out," he said simply to Augustus.

"What?" he said, indignantly, "I-"


Augustus smoothed down his robes looking shocked and disgruntled as Tamara stood from her seat, "Right," he said stiffly, "Well then...goodbye." He and his mother went back into the house to leave via the front doors, leaving Ceaser with the Malfoys.

"Lucius," he said, stepping forward and seeming flustered, "I don't even know where he learned... I'm terribly sorry," he looked at Auriga, "To both of you. And I understand if you press charges-"

"We won't be pressing charges," Auriga assured him.

"What?" Lucius said, restoring his usual steely tone.

"It would only tarnish the name of Carrow," she reasoned, "A scandal which neither you, nor Tamara deserve. You have both been incredibly kind and welcoming to me, and you don't deserve to be punished for your son's actions."

Auriga looked at her mother, whose mouth twitched slightly, and her father, who nodded stiffly in approval. "And now I'm going to collect my things, and move into my house," Auriga said, before turning and heading inside to find her old room.

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