Chapter 50

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This :)

It had been a week since the breakout from Azkaban, and Auriga was finally finding her feet again. Quite literally. She'd spent everyday in her room  in the building which she understood to be one of the Avery Manors. There hadn't been another 'meeting' since then. But she had managed to read the article reporting the breakout. And she hadn't been mentioned once - she hadn't even been counted as one of the escapees.

The day after that, Auriga had received three letters. The first, was unsurprisingly from Draco.


If this finds you, please, please, please come back. And if it doesn't, and it reaches someone else, please send her back. I miss you so much and I've been so worried. I've sent letters to you everyday but they just keep coming back. I even tried using Harry's owl.

Lots and lots of love, Draco

The second, was from Remus.

To Auriga,

I know our friends are working hard to find you, but we suspect our second largest enemy is behind your disappearance, in which case there isn't much to do. I know Draco's been writing to you, so if this finds you, please let both him and me know that you're safe, even if you can't disclose your location.


And finally, to Auriga's surprise, was Fred and George Weasley's letter.

Hi Auriga,

We know everyone's trying to contact you, but we thought we'd give it a shot too. Won't be surprised if this comes straight back to us like everyone else's have. We guess if you're reading this, thanks for helping us with our NEWT stuff. Your replacement is rubbish and we've had to take measures into our own hands.

See you, Gred and Forge

Auriga had mustered a faint smile at the last one, but it soon vanished when her mother had entered the room, frowning. Auriga had wanted to hide the letters, but for whatever reason she wasn't quick enough, and ended up handing them over wordlessly. Her mother had frowned while she read them, before burning them in the fireplace. She'd then sat down in the other armchair in Auriga's room.

"The Carrows want to rearrange the marriage," Narcissa Malfoy had said. "And we think, after the ordeal you've been through, it might be good for you. You wouldn't have to go back to work, and you'd be protected."

Auriga had looked up - her heart screaming for her to protest - and shrugged. "I don't care. You can do what you want."


Auriga didn't know what day it was. Merlin - she didn't even know what month it was. Sometime in Spring or Summer, because it was getting lighter earlier, and the gardens were much warmer than they had been. All she knew was that she'd been stuck in this stupid Manor house for too long, but somehow - and she wasn't sure how - she'd bonded with her Aunt. Most likely because they were the only two women who were permanent residents of the house.

"Diffindo!" shrieked Bella, and Auriga dodged it as she slid down the bannister of the stairs.

"Stupefy!" Auriga yelled, shooting a stunning spell over her shoulder.

"Ooh, you almost hit me!" said Bella as Auriga skidded past Rodolphus and into the library. She ducked as two silent stunners shot over her head and hit the bookcase behind her, leaving the spines of several books scorched. Bella cackled and Auriga grinned at her, slightly breathless. After being locked away in Azkaban - apparently for several months - it was nice to have a friend to play around with, with shameless childishness.

Auriga raised her wand to continue their duel, but a hand grabbed her wrist. "Augustus," she said, turning on her heel and looking her fiancé up and down.

"Auriga," said Augustus, smiling faintly and almost greedily. "I've brought good news, from the Dark Lord himself."

"You've spoken with the Dark Lord?" asked Bella, looking and sounding as excited as Auriga felt. She turned back around to face Augustus, grinning.

He moved his hand from her wrist to her hand and held it gently. "We're to be married just as soon as you can be cleared."

"And how long will that be?" asked Auriga.

"Not long," said Augustus, "Possibly a month or two. Your parents and I will be withdrawing our statements next week, and then your father just has to play his cards right with the Minister."

Auriga gasped with excitement and brought her hands up to her face to conceal her joy. "I can't wait," she said. "And then I can go to your Manor with you, and we'll have it all to ourselves."

"Just like you wanted when you were little," said Bella, coming up and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Flippendo!" said Auriga suddenly, and Bella flew back into the opposite bookcase. Augustus rushed forward to stop it falling on the witch, but she had it handled as Auriga dashed from the room. "Catch me if you can!"

"Why you little-" said Bella, sprinting after Auriga and into the gardens as fast as she could, the both of their black robes billowing around them.


"So, the plan is settled then?" said the Dark Lord from the far end of the table. "I will lure Potter into the Ministry, where you, Lucius, will ambush him?"

"Yes, my Lord," said Auriga's father.

"My Lord?" Auriga said, speaking up for the first time ever. "I'd like to volunteer myself too. I believe I'm more than up to it."

The Dark Lord considered this for a moment, and Auriga saw Snape frowning at the wall opposite him. "I suppose..." he said eventually. "I've heard you and Bellatrix make an excellent team?"

"Yes, my Lord," said Bella from Auriga's left. "My niece has proven to be particularly skilled with her wandwork."

"Then you may be of use," said the Dark Lord, "But first you must prove your loyalty."

Auriga smiled and rose from her chair. Several of the people jumped in their seats, Augustus included, but Auriga strode confidently towards the Dark Lord at the smile on her Aunt's face. She stood a few feet away from his chair, and snatched the sleeve of her plain black robe up her arm, revealing the unmarked pale skin below. "The mark?" asked the Dark Lord.

"Yes, my Lord," said Auriga. "I wish to be admitted permanantly into your ranks."

The Dark Lord cast a single glance up the table, before turning back to Auriga. "It would be our pleasure." He drew his own wand, and placed the tip on Auriga's arm, digging into her flesh. "Morsmodre," he said softly. An inky black substance glistened across her skin, before burrowing down a few layers. It felt like someone had taken a knife and begun cutting it into her flesh, and she gritted her teeth. It was almost done when the pain became nearly unbearable, and she let out a few gasps.

And then it was over, and she smiled down the table to her parents and her Aunt. "Tomorrow night, I will kill Harry Potter," said the Dark Lord as Auriga took her seat again. "And we shall be victorious."

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