Bucky Barnes - Late mornings (A friend Pt.3)

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Warnings ⚠️: nothing, just fluff, maybe a light make out 💋
Continuation of A friend Pt. 2 (the next morning) I think this one is gonna be really short, it's just some closure

You woke, surrounded by warmth, your pillow rising and falling slowly in rhythmic, even breaths.
Your eyes widened, last nights events coming back as you realized it was not a pillow you rested on, but the very Bucky Barnes himself.
Your face heated and you slowly looked up, his jaw and neck coming into view. Your arm was across his chest, hand wrapped in his own, your left leg sprawled over his.
You moved to prop yourself on your elbow, unable to stop yourself from reaching out to trace a finger over his perfect features.
Down his nose, lightly brushing it over his lips, and back up his jaw.
He stirred and you panicked, moving to lay down, shutting your eyes tightly, hiding your face in the blankets that draped over your shoulders.
You dared to glance back up, regretting it immediately as you made eye contact with his crystal blue gaze.
"G-Good morning..." you whispered, your face heating even more if it was possible.
"Good morning, doll." Bucky shot you a small smile, his morning voice giving you chills despite the warmth around you.
No words came to mind as you lay there, staring at the hand tightly held by his. Did he want to leave?
As if he had read your mind, his metal arm that was wound under you and around your waist pulled you closer. "Thank you." The two words were spoken in a low, but sincere tone.
You looked up, perplexed. "For what?"
"For letting me stay."
You paused for a moment. "Thank you. For staying."
He smiled, glancing at your alarm clock.
10:23 a.m.
"Holy cow!" You sat up wiping your eyes and fighting a yawn.
"Relax, doll." Bucky didn't move, his hand moving to rub your back softly.
You instantly melted, falling back against him, your eyes drooping.
"That was easy." He chuckled, his chest vibrating.
"Shut it." You lightly hit his arm, laughing.
A silence fell over the room, but not an awkward one.
You hadn't been laying there longer than a minute before you felt yourself being pulled up to be face to face with Bucky.
You brain froze, not a single word being able to make its way out, as you stared into his piercing eyes until you you couldn't any longer and you glanced away.
Bucky leaned in, gently tilting your head up, his finger under your chin, his lips centimeters from yours.
"May I?" He whispered, and you could only nod.
His lips met yours in a slow, soft kiss, seemingly testing the water before he moved closer, swallowing your lips with his own as it grew heated.
After a few minutes he pulled away, slightly panting, smiling. "Are you ok?"
His gentleness made your heart flutter, but you wanted more. Nodding eagerly, you pushed over, straddling him, bending down to continue the kiss.
Bucky groaned as you pressed your weight against him lightly.
He swept your hair to one side, kissing down your jaw, stopping at your sweet spot as your breath hitched.
"Aah...Buck..." you moaned.
"Yes, doll?" He paused, smiling against your skin, his hands gripping your hips tightly.
"D-don't stop.."
He chuckled, flipping you over to be under him, his lips resuming their spot on your neck as you buried your hands in his hair, your legs wrapping around his hips.
Beginning to get impatient, you reached down to lift his shirt up, but he grabbed your hands, holding above your head with his metal hand as his other roamed your curves agonizingly slow.
You whined, grinding against him, causing him to moan in your ear, making you even needier.
He smirked and let go of your hands and you practically tore his shirt off, reaching out and sweeping your hands over his chest and abs.

Bucky shivered as you pulled him down, kissing on his neck and shoulders, stopping to suck and bite every once in a while.
"Aah, y/n..." he panted, his hands digging into your hip.
The familiar voice of Steve echoed the hall.
You jumped up, Bucky sliding off of you and grabbing his shirt as you searched for an excuse for him to be in your room.
"Y/n! Are you in there?" Steve swung your door open, stopping in shock.
Your hair was mussed, shirt slightly pulled off, Bucky sitting next to you, looking down.
"What the hell?!"
"Why didn't you knock??" You shot out.
Natasha came up behind him to see what was going on.
"Oooh man!" She burst out into laughter, slapping Steve on the back. "Your two best friends!"
She clapped her hands, still laughing as Steve said nothing, but slowly backed out, closing the door behind him.

"Oh my word." you sighed, falling back against your bed.
Bucky pulled you to him by your legs, lifting you up onto his lap. "Now where were we...?"
"I should...I should check.." you lost focus as his hands snuck up your shirt, his lips on your collarbone. "Ok, maybe later.."

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