Bucky Barnes - A friend

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Warnings: ⚠️ some abuse, language 

I think it's gonna be kinda long...most likely will have a part 2

It had been months since you moved to the avengers compound, and you had made friends with everybody except Bucky.
You didn't know how to start a conversation with him, and he didn't seem interested in starting one with you.
To be fair, he didn't really talk to anyone except Steve, ducking his head when people walked by him, sitting in the corner of the room, his eyes almost always on the floor or staring at a random object in the room, glazed over like he was deep in thought.
You wanted nothing more then to get to know him, you were strongly intrigued by him.
Like a magnet he drew you to him but you never worked up the courage to say anything. You could only hover near him, stupidly staring at the ceiling or your shoes.
Slowly straying from your thoughts, your focus was brought back into the real world, where you sat at an oval table, folder in front of you, the full avengers team each in their own chairs, staring at you, as if waiting for something.
The briefing! You had totally let your thoughts wander while Stark handed out important information of the next mission.
Tony Stark stood at the head of the table, a pen in his hand as he flicked it back and forth, watching you.
"Oh-uh-um..I'm sorry..." you stuttered, noticing everyone's stares, but only feeling embarrassed from Bucky's piercing blue gaze on you. "..did I miss something?"
Stark opened his mouth, but then closed it again.
Suddenly Steve stood, "Natasha and I will take the mission."
Everyone's attention was turned to him and you smiled gratefully, Steve smiling in return, before Stark nodded.
"Okay, then, you're dismissed."
You made your way to Steve after the meeting, chewing your lip nervously. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened. My mind just kinda...wonders...sometimes."
He nodded, ruffling your hair, he'd become like an older brother to you.  "It's ok, just pay attention next time."
Bucky stood behind him, watching your conversation, eyeing Steve as he walked away.
You made eye contact with Bucky and smiled a little, but he just turned away, his hair hiding his eyes from you.
Ouch. You winced inwardly. That hurt a little.

Bucky's POV~
His mind wandered as he watched Y/N during the briefing, her wavy H/C tresses covering part of her face, her bangs hanging over her E/C eyes.
Something about her presence was so grounding, helping to calm him when his past memories were fighting to surface.
She never spoke to him, and he never spoke to her, but whenever she was near him, just quietly being there, it was oddly comforting.
Mention of her name broke him out of his thoughts, as the team of Avengers watched her, and she looked around like a lost puppy, her eyes wide.
She stumbled over an apology, asking if she missed something before Steve moved the attention to him as he stood.
"Natasha and I will take the mission."
Tony dismissed the meeting and he stood, watching as Y/N approached Steve.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened. My mind just...wanders...sometimes."
Steve chuckled, ruffling her hair. "It's ok, just pay attention next time."
She must have felt his gaze because she glanced over as Steve left, a smile spreading.
He wasn't sure what emotion he felt as he watched her, unsure of how to respond, he turned away, watching her out of the corner of his eye.
Her face fell, and he regretted not at least trying to give a small smile or at least a nod in return.
With that she ducked her head, walking away and out of sight.

Y/N's POV~
After your small encounter with Bucky, the day went by slowly, nothing out of the ordinary in your schedule.
You finished up training with a couple SHEILD agents, making your way back to your room, showering, dressing in a cozy outfit of pants and a  fitted crop top, pulling a cardigan over it as you made your way to the kitchen to make yourself dinner.
You weren't sure where the other members of the team were but you enjoyed the small amount of alone time you got as you cooked, smiling in satisfaction at the results.

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