Bucky Barnes - Jealous

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You live in the avengers hq, and you're very close friends with Thor, more than Bucky likes 😏

You were cooking in the avengers large kitchen, the aroma attracting a couple of them as they wandered out, being their nosy selves as they stole a bite or two as it cooked, you chasing them out with the ladle.
Your boyfriend Bucky was one of the last ones out and you smiled, willingly holding out a spoonful for him to taste.
"Mmm...delicious, doll." he sighed happily, leaning in to kiss you before moving to sit at the barstool, leaving you a blushing mess.
"How was training?" You asked, turning to rest your elbows on the counter, chin in your hands, your full attention on Bucky.
"I didn't end up training today." He shrugged. "Steve isn't here and the others had already done their training."
"I can train with you, if you want." You smiled.
Bucky shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you. Sparring is one thing. Steve and I basically punch the shit out of each other since we heal quickly."
You chuckled rolling your eyes. "Just cause you heal doesn't mean you hurt yourself unnecessarily."
"Y/n!" Thor's booming voice echoed, interrupting your conversation as he tossed you up into the air, squeezing you in a tight hug.
"Thor!" You hugged back as he set you down.
"How is Asgard??"
"We're all in good health, the kingdom is prospering."
Despite his differences from people on earth, he was a close friend of yours.
You got lost in the many questions you had for Thor, you didn't notice as Bucky quietly slipped out of the room, his fists clenched.

You got lost in the many questions you had for Thor, you didn't notice as Bucky quietly slipped out of the room, his fists clenched

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It had been almost a year since you'd seen him.
"Would you like some dinner?" You offered, gesturing to the food you'd prepared.
"Mmm, yes, if it's your cooking." He nodded eagerly, seating himself where Bucky once was.
"Where'd Buck go?" You glanced around, before serving Thor's food, handing it to him.
"I should go see if he wants some, I'll be right back."
Thor nodded, already inhaling the food.

You found Bucky in his room, pacing, clearly agitated.
"Buck?" You called.
He looked up, his piercing gaze burning into you. He stalked over, pushing you against the closed door as he lifted your legs to wrap around his waist, pinning your hands above your head in one smooth motion.
You gasped, attempting to free your hands, but it was pointless.
"What the hell was that?" He looked really pissed.
"What was what?" You frowned, still struggling to get down, but his hips were pressed against you, pinning you up.
"You and Thor."
"Bucky...he's just a friend." You weren't scared of him, in fact quite the opposite, all you wanted to do was kiss him right now.
"A friend? What friends treat each other like that??"
Behind his anger, you could see fear. Was he scared you would leave him? For Thor?
"Buck, I don't love him. I love you. Nothing would ever change that. Ever." You leaned forward, gently pressing your lips to his. "He has a girlfriend, and I have you."
Bucky looked down.
"Trust me. There is no one for me but you."
He glanced up and without warning, smashed his lips against yours, tracing your lower lip with his tongue before you opened your mouth wider, giving him access.
You moaned, kissing him back as your tongues fought for dominance, his winning.

He pulled away, his swollen lips only centimeters from yours. "You're mine.." he kissed down your jaw, sucking and biting on your neck. "Only mine."
"Only yours..." you repeated weakly.

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