Bucky Barnes - Abused

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Warning ⚠️ : language, abuse

This one is angst with a fluff ending 😄❤️ -Holly

"You just can't DO ANYTHING FUCKING RIGHT????? Can you???!!"
You winced expecting a strong blow to your face, trying to burrow yourself into the couch to appear as small as possible.
Your boyfriend, Alex, loomed over you his eyes darkened with fury as he gestured to his shirt that had a small crease in the side.
"All you had to do was IRON IT!!! How hard is that??? Are you retarded???" He screamed, flailing his arms about making you more and more nervous.
"You're lucky I love you, no one else would, you ugly piece of shit for a human!" Alex swung his hand down and across your cheek.
The pain stunned you for a moment as you held your face in your hands, tears were streaming down your face.
For months you'd been living like this, but he was right, you were ugly and useless. No one would love you. Alex was the only one who loved you.
"Now go finish my lunch, I'll be back." He ended with a warning tone, insinuating that you might be thinking of leaving. "You better be here when I do."
You nodded quickly, running to the kitchen, knowing if you moved too slowly it would only be more hits for you.
The front door slammed behind him and you listened as his fading steps lead him down the hallway.
Only when you couldn't hear them anymore did you fall on the ground sobbing, bruises littered your legs, your arms, chest, back, everywhere.
Your warm tears only seemed to make your cheek hurt worse so you wet a cold rag and held it there, trying to suck it up while you pulled food out of the fridge.
You big baby! Alex was right, you're a big baby! You can't do anything right, you cry at everything, you're ugly, you're fat...! You mentally screamed at yourself as you prepared lunch.
A knock at the door made you jump out of your skin, as you brushed your tears away, wiping your hands on your clothes. If he saw you'd been crying he would kill you, and lunch wasn't even ready!!
You shakily opened the door, somewhat hiding behind it, but the person on the other side wasn't who you were expecting.
It was your best friend, Bucky, who had been on a trip for the past several months.
When he left was when the abuse started, and you realized he didn't know and he would see the bruises all over you.
"What, why are you here?" You questioned, hiding behind the door, wanting nothing more than to run to him and stay there, safe.
"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I come see my closest friend after I've been gone on a mission for months??"
"Um, I can't, right now..." you stuttered, trying to find an excuse, if Alex came back with Bucky here he would lose it, he always hated him.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Why are you hiding?" His voice was soft and concerned, he stepped forward, slowly pushing the door back, and away from your grasp.
You stood, exposed to his piercing gaze as you shuffled your feet, playing with your hands.
Bucky's POV
The door swung back, revealing a beat up, and much thinner version of Y/N than the one he knew.
She looked like she could barely stand from the malnutrition.
"What the hell?! Who did that to you??? Are you still with Alex?? Did he do this??" Bucky moved forward, reaching for your face, but you flinched away.
"Y/N..." his tone lowered and his hand moved down, gently grasping yours. "I would never hurt you. Ever."
With his metal hand, he lifted your face so he could see the newest marking on your body, and you could've sworn you saw tears gathering in his caring blue eyes.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I never contacted you, he wouldn't let me. I'm so sorry!" You suddenly gushed, bursting into tears as Bucky pulled you into a hug.
He was warm, and smelled familiar, and you felt safe, finally.
Instead of wrapping your arms around him you kept them tucked up against his chest, attempting to hide yourself completely.
"No, I'm the one who is sorry, Y/N." His voice came out choked. "I knew something was wrong with Alex, and I didn't say anything. I just left you, here, alone to defend yourself. I'm so sorry, I'll never leave you alone again."
Your tears wouldn't stop falling, but they were happy ones, safe at last, with your best friend finally home.
"It's not your fault, Bucky." You murmured, somehow trying to push further into his embrace.
He didn't reply, but gently picked you up, carrying you to the couch, setting you down.
He tried to stand back up but you grabbed onto his metal arm, keeping him there, scared that if he left, he wouldn't come back, and you'd be alone again.
"Please stay..." you whimpered, more tears gathering in your eyes.
"I'm not leaving, doll." He stroked your hair out of your face, smiling softly. "I'm just gonna get a first aid kit and clean you up, ok?"
You nodded slowly. "It's in the bathroom."
He patted your leg gently before getting up, and heading to the back of the apartment.
You sat there like that only for a little before you heard steps in the hallway.
You stiffened, realizing Alex was already back, urging your body to move, to run back to the room, anywhere but here, exposed to him as the door that was still open swung even further, slamming against the wall.
Panic made your legs turn to jelly as you stumbled off the couch, and back past the kitchen.
"Why are you running??" Alex boomed, slamming his stuff down, already coming after you.
You felt like you were in a horror movie, hearing his steps pound behind you. He was gonna kill you, he was literally going to kill you this time.
"B-Bucky!" You felt like your voice was trapped in your throat.
Fighting the urge to fall down and faint, you ran, down the hall, only stopping when Bucky emerged from the restroom, a facial expression you'd never seen on him before as he stared down Alex, who stopped in his tracks behind you.
"You son of a bitch." Alex muttered.
Bucky pulled you behind him, brushing your hair out of your face, "It's gonna be ok." He assured. "I won't let him hurt you."
You rested your hand on his arm, feeling him there grounded you, made you feel safe and secure. He was much bigger than Alex, not to mention being a super soldier.
"You're the son of a bitch. How DARE YOU TOUCH Y/N?!" Bucky's voice echoed the hall, his fist clenched in anger.
"She deserves it. She can't cook, she can't iron, she can't even keep herself up properly, she looks awful!" He gestured to you. "Fat and ugly. No one will ever love you. Come here,    Y/N, now."
Your heart dropped, all the blood draining from your body. Would it be easier to just go with him? Bucky wouldn't have to deal with your pathetic self if you did. He could live his life without being interrupted by you.
Who were you to impose on Bucky like that? What were you thinking, that he would just take care of you the rest of your life?
You took one step forward, but Bucky's arm stopped you, holding you back. "Please, let me go. I won't be a bother to you anymore if you let me. I'll leave you alone." You whimpered as a cocky smile spread across Alex face.
"I'm the only one who's ever loved you, Y/N." Alex sneered.
"What have you done to her?" Bucky growled, but softened his tone with you. "Y/N, doll, I'm right here for you. You're not a bother to me. And I love you."
You watched his eyes, they were full of sincerity. "You do?" Your hand resting on his metal arm moved down to slide into his hand, you forgetting about Alex for a moment.
"Yes, I love you so much, and I hate to see you mistreated like this." He confirmed, smiling down at you.
"Oh cut the bull," Alex stomped forward, grabbing your hand, but before he could pull you away from him, he was thrown against the wall.
You gasped at Bucky's quick movements, the dry wall crushed and crumbling all over the floor, Alex' body, slumped over.
Bucky took a couple long strides towards him, jerking his face up. "Do not ever come here again. Do not ever touch, or come within a mile of Y/N again, and if I ever catch you doing either of those, I'll kill you myself."
He picked Alex up by his collar with one hand, walking out to the living room, out the front door, and tossing him out like a rag doll, shutting the door behind him.
You could see he was fighting with self control, trying not to do as much damage to Alex as he would've liked.
Your eyes filled with tears of relief. It was over, that part of your life that was only months, but had seemed like eternity was finally over.
You crumpled to the floor, shaking with sobs.
Bucky was at your side in an instant, his legs crossing on either side of you, as if you were in his lap, his arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders as you cried till you didn't have any tears left to cry.
"It's ok...you're safe...I'm right here." He whispered, stroking your hair.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck.
After a few minutes you pulled away slightly, wiping your tears away.
"Did you really mean it?" You asked, bringing your eyes up to meet his.
"Mean it?" He brushed the stray hairs that framed your face back behind your ear.
"That you love me?" You ducked your head, scared of what his answer might be.
He brought his metal hand up, tilting your chin up, his eyes studying your tear stained face.
"Yes." He nodded, his voice hoarse.
Before you could look down again he moved forward, kissing your forehead as you closed your eyes that burned from crying.
Was he referring to a friendship love? Or did he think of you as more than that?
"I love you too." You whispered.
He kissed where the tears had streamed down freely, stopping just centimeters from your swollen lips, leaning back, silently asking permission.
You nodded, pushing closer to him.
Without wasting a second, Bucky brought his lips to yours, gently, not too rough, but still full of love.
You returned the kiss eagerly, all your hesitation melting away along with your fears and insecurities.

The end 🤗
Once again, didn't know how to end it lol. Hope you enjoyed. 😚😚

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