Bucky Barnes - Horror movies

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Warning ⚠️: none really....just lots of fluff...maybe a small make out scene😉😏
@khuskyk here's your suggestion, I hope it's what you wanted ❤️❤️
Authors note: It's longer, I got kinda carried away lol

"So what's your plan for tonight?" Your best friend, Amy, who you'd met for brunch, asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
Bucky and you had moved in together yesterday, but hadn't stayed the night in your new apartment together yet, seeing how everything wasn't moved in yet.
You laughed, taking a sip of your coffee. "Shut up, you know we've stayed at each other's places before right? This isn't our first time sleeping in the same bed."
"I know...but it's just different when you own the place together." She smirked, raising her eyebrows again.
"Is sex all you think about Amy?" You sighed in mock disappointment. "You know, I raised you better than this."
"No you didn't." She retorted.
"You're right. I should've done a better job as a parent."
Amy laughed, shoveling more pancakes into her mouth. "But seriously, what's the plan?"
"Oh my gosh, Amy. We're just gonna watch horror movies then go to bed. That's it. A chill night in."
"Right. A chill night in." She nodded, smiling.

Time-skip to that evening...😏😏

You opened the door of your new apartment, setting down the groceries you'd just bought on the marble counter, gazing around you at the cozy, but large space around you.
Bucky had been training most of the day at the avengers headquarters, so you took the liberty of putting up some decor.
It was a small combination of both of your things from your previous homes, but most of the decor consisted of your belongings, seeing as he didn't really decorate his home.
You smiled, happier than ever.
After putting the groceries away you wandered through the apartment, just admiring the different rooms.
Leaning against the door frame of your bedroom, you smiled.
Bucky's things actually went really well with yours, his dark modern look blending perfectly with your light and cozy style to create a modern, but still cozy look.
Two hands snuck around your waist and you jumped till you recognized the cold metal against your warmer left side. Bucky.
"Hey, doll."
Reaching behind you, you traced your fingers along his sharp jaw, turning around, his arms still wrapped around you.
"Hello, handsome," you reached up to cup his face, tippy toeing in attempt to reach his lips, but ultimately failing.
He chuckled, bending down to meet you halfway but you dodged, slipping out of his arms, laughing as you ran down the hall, his footsteps chasing after you.
He caught up easily and swung you up, off the ground and over his shoulder.
"Ha, got ya." He smiled proudly.
"Buckyyyyy." You whined and playfully smacked his back.
"You want down?" He spun around in a couple circles, running into the kitchen, laughing as you struggled to break free.
"Yes please." You kissed his back, giggling.
"Well that was all you had to say, doll." He swung you down, landing you gently to sit on the counter in front of him.
"Thank yo—" you were cut off by him pressing his lips to you your own.
You closed your eyes returning the kiss earnestly, before smiling into it. "How was your day?" You asked, pulling back only enough to study his perfect face.
His palms rested on the counter on either side of you. "Pretty average, good, how was yours?" He smiled back.
"Perfect." You summed it up in one word, reaching up to running your hands through his hair.
He immediately melted into you, his forehead coming down to rest on your shoulder as his arms wrapped tightly around you.
Who knew the winter soldier could be such a softie?
"Tired from training?" You kissed his cheek, hair, neck, then shoulder.
He only hummed in response, followed with a slight nod. "What did you do today?" He mumbled into your shirt.
"I met Amy for brunch...then did some decorating around here as you can see...then I did the grocery shopping." You continued to stroke his hair, resting your head on his shoulder. "I got snacks for our movie night."
"Hmm. Swiss rolls too?"
You laughed aloud. "Yes, Swiss rolls too."
(Idk what Bucky's favorite snack is so I just did Swiss rolls lol cuz I love them -Holly)
A knock interrupted the moment you were having and you sighed in annoyance.
"Are you expecting someone?" Bucky glanced in the direction of the door as he lifted his head, standing straight and towering over you once more.
"No..." you slid off the counter, walking to the door, swinging it open.
Amy stood on the other side, grinning ear to ear, a basket in hand.
"Amy! Hi!" You stepped back, letting her in.
"Hi, I came by to drop this off. It's a house warming basket." She set it down on the kitchen counter before turning around.
"You didn't have to..." you trailed off looking at the delicious treats piled high in the pretty wrapping.
"But I did." Amy shrugged. "Hi Bucky."
"Anyways, I have places to go, things to do. So I'll head out now."
"Thank you so much." You squeezed her in a tight hug. "You're amazing."
"I know." Amy laughed before walking to the door. "You two have fun tonight." She winked.
"Amy!" You rolled your eyes.
"The first night is always the best." She continued laughing and running out the door before you could grab her.
"I'm sorry, she's nuts." You shrugged sheepishly.

Timeskip to.....you guessed it movie time 🤪

"Here, you choose one while I change into my
Pjs and get snacks." You tossed the remote to Bucky, padding back into your room.
You pulled out your favorite pajama shirt—shocker—it's actually Bucky's and slipped on some shorts before padding back into the kitchen, grabbing the bowl of chips, Swiss rolls, and a couple bags of candy.
Setting them on the coffee table you bent over, grabbing a fuzzy blanket from the arm chair beside it, hearing Bucky whistle as you bent over, the shirt rising.
"Stop it you perv." You laughed as you turned around, throwing the blanket at him.
The movie had started so you plopped down, gently shoving Bucky's arm as you pulled the blanket over you.
He smiled, pulling your legs up to lay across his lap, his arm behind you, his metal one resting on your lap. "Which movie is this?" You asked.
"IT." Bucky replied.
You gulped, evident fear in your eyes, but you brushed it away. So what if clowns were one of your biggest fears? It was fine...right?
You didn't know you could be so wrong. You were halfway through the movie, and had spent the majority of it with your face buried in Bucky's chest, the snacks, remaining untouched by you, as you had your entire body hidden behind the blankets refusing to move.
Another jump scare and you screamed, burrowing further into him.
"Doll..?" He whispered, trying not to chuckle at the sight of you. "You ok?"
You nodded, poking your face out from his shirt, looking up at him.
"Is this too much for you?" He asked, reaching for the remote.
"No, no, it's ok. I'm just....I just...." You trailed off, ashamed of your outlandish fear.
"You just...?" His eyes were focused on you, making you stumble over your words.
"I...I don't, you see...I'm scared....of clowns." You finished in a small voice.
His eyes began to twinkle as a smile spread across his face, he began chuckling , his chest vibrating against your cheek.
"Shut up, it's not funny." You whined, but felt a smile spreading across your own face.
"I'm sorry, I know." He pulled the blanket to wrap around you tighter. "I can turn it off if you like."
"No, I'm ok. It's ok."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
The movie continued and you fought the urge to hide behind Bucky, for your pride's sake.
You sat there, thinking of a way to get away from the movie without sounding like it was because you couldn't handle it.
An idea popped into your head and you looked up at Bucky, smiling to yourself.
You began to stroke his hair, him humming in response, leaning into your hand.
you trailed your hand down to his neck, lightly tracing over his skin, till eventually bringing your lips up to replace your fingers.

Your lips left trails of light kisses till finally deciding on a spot, you began to suck, then nibble a little before giving it a small kiss and moving on.
Now you had his attention, his right hand gripped your waist, his head tilted up, giving you more of his neck.
Your hand ran down his shirt, under it, against his abs, quietly tracing the scars on his abdomen, continuing to kiss his neck.
You squirmed, "accidentally" rubbing against him (ya know what I mean lol 😉).
He instinctively gripped onto your thigh with his metal hand, biting his lip, but he wasn't able to hold back his groan.
"Sorry." You squeaked, but your face was completely unapologetic.
"Are you teasing me—aah.."
He was cut off by another moan as you pressed against him, lifting one leg to rest on his right side, causing you to straddle him.
"Maybe..." you lifted his shirts hem, making sure to drag your hands against his chest as you lifted it off of him, his hands coming back to hold onto your hips so tightly you thought they might bruise.

The sight of him shirtless below you, took your breath away and you stopped to admire just what a beautiful person he was.
You leaned down, kissing just below his ear, you could feel his chest rising against you in quick breaths as you slowly rocked your hips forward, drawing out being pressed against him before lifting them again.
Somehow his grasp on you tightened, and he suddenly flipped you over.
"My turn." Bucky's voice was husky and demanding, making you weak.
He pinned your arms above you with his metal hand, his other roaming your side and back as his lips attacked your neck, he found your sweet spot and you bit your lip, hiding your moans.
The attacks suddenly stopped and he moved so he was face to face with you.
"Don't be shy, doll." Bucky's gentle side returned momentarily as he stroked your face lovingly, kissing your forehead, nose, then lips.
The sweet kiss grew hungry as he moved his hips in sync with yours, growing feverish and impatient.

Sorry, that's it. Idk where to end it so....here it is lol I know it's lame 😒
Hope you enjoyed 😚😚
Feel free to message or comment requests.

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