Bucky Barnes - Annoying

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I know everyone has the characters they ship but I ship Steve and Natasha so they're together in this. 😁😁
You and Bucky don't exactly get along...but that changes 👀

"If you had just let go I could've grabbed it!! It's not my fault it was destroyed!" You gestured to the smashed device on the table.
"I was holding it first!" Bucky yelled back.
"You were not!"
"Alright! I don't care how it broke!!" Tony Stark interrupted your fight, sighing. "Just forget it."
You grumbled quietly about it being Bucky's fault, shooting him a glare, which he returned before you parted ways, moving to opposite sides of the room.
"No, you guys lost lab access privilege as of right now." Tony poked the broken device with his pen before pointing to the door with it. "Out."
After more grumbling you left, making sure to stay ahead of Bucky as to avoid any interaction.

As you entered the avengers living room, Natasha greeted you with a smirk.
"Heard you got kicked out of the lab." She chuckled.
"Wha—how?" You scowled. "It was Bucky's fault."
"Anyone could hear that fight." She raised her eyebrows as Bucky walked up behind you, towering over your small frame, glowering.
"What? It's the truth." You crossed your arms, staring up at him defiantly.
"It is not."
"Is to."
"IS TO!"
Steve stalked over, moving to rest his hands on his hips, watching you both in disappointment.
"You're both grown adults, why can't you get along?? Everyone else here does."
"I think they like each other and don't want to admit it." Nat teased, moving to Steve's side.
You mimicked a gagging sound, scrunching your nose in disgust. "No way."
Before Bucky could say anything you left, heading straight for your room to call your best friend and complain about your most recent encounter with him.

Time skip~~ a couple days

Knock. Knock.
"Come in as long as you're not Bucky." You didn't glance up from your phone as Natasha slipped in, coming to sit on your bed.
"Oh, hi." You looked up, noting her odd facial expression. "Is everything ok?"
She glanced up, opening her mouth and then shutting it again. "I...actually never mind, this was a bad idea." She stood.
"Hey, what's wrong?? You can't just come in and say that and then leave."
"I...you wouldn't understand." Nat lowered her head, walking out, you close on her heels.
"What's wrong? Is it Steve? Is something wrong with you guys?" You stopped in horror. "Please...don't tell me you broke up."
She didn't answer but kept walking as you followed, not paying attention to your surroundings till you found yourselves in one of the training rooms.

Steve and Bucky stood there and your face instantly tightened in annoyance.
Natasha turned suddenly, smirk on her face. "I really am sorry, Y/n, but if this is what it takes, it's worth it."
"What do you mean?" You frowned.
Suddenly Steve had grabbed up Nat, racing out the door, slamming it shut behind him as you heard the lock turn, sealing your fate.
"You guys are staying here until we can hear that you guys are getting along." You could hear the laughter in Steve's voice on the other side of the door.
"HEY!!! Let me OUT!!" You banged on the door, yelling. "NAT!!! STEVE!! I'm NEVER FORGIVING YOU FOR THIS!!"
After minutes of yelling, no one responded.
"Break down the door." You turned to Bucky, actually talking to him without your voice raised for once.
He snorted. "Don't boss me around."

"I'm trying to be nice!" You huffed, throwing your hands in the air

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"I'm trying to be nice!" You huffed, throwing your hands in the air. "I asked you nicely."
"No you told me. You bossed me. I HATE being bossed around." Bucky growled.
"I hate this, I hate that! Always Mister Grumpy Pants."
"You make me grumpy."
"You make me grumpy!" You snapped.
"Stop copying me!"
"I'm not!"
"Yes you were!"
"Yes you were." You mocked.
"I only did it that one time, I wasn't doing it before."
"I wasn't doing it before" Bucky mimicked, making an annoying face.
Your temper flared as you reached out to smack him, only for him to catch your wrist with his hand, his intense blue eyes meeting your raging e/c ones.
Your chest rose and fell in exaggerated, angry breaths. "Let me—"
Suddenly his lips crashed onto yours, swallowing your words as you moaned lightly, kissing him back with just as much fervor, your hands flying up into his hair, his arms tugging at your waist as he pressed against you.
He moved forward till you felt your back against the cold wall.
Another moan escaped as Bucky pushed his leg between yours, forcing them apart, taking that opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth.
Your tongues battled for dominance, till his won, him exploring your mouth, his hands digging into your hips.
You brought your hands down his chest, pushing him away, both of you panting. "Wait."
"For what?" Bucky wrapped his hand behind your neck, pulling you closer as he placed open mouth kisses on your jaw, leading down your neck, stopping to suck and bite just below your ear, coaxing another moan from you as you melted under his firm touch.
"I-we...shouldn't do this...h-here..." you could hardly form a proper sentence with his mouth trailing your neck and shoulder, your hands resting on his shoulders for support, as your legs threatened to give out.
"Whatever you say, doll." He took your hand, leading you back to the door as he kicked it down with ease, excitement pooling in your stomach.
Steve and Nat were no where to be found.
"Were they just planning on leaving us here??" You scowled.
He grabbed your hand, pulling you through the hallways up to his room, only opening the door enough to slip in before slamming you against it, his hard body pressed against yours.
"Mhm?" Bucky hummed against your skin, even though he knew you wouldn't be able to continue as he brought his lips back to yours.
You jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding against him once, causing Bucky to growl as he used his weight to hold you against the door, pinning your arms above you, the coolness of his metal hand against your skin.
You whined at your inability to touch him, wriggling your arms under his ironlike grip. "Ow!" You yelped, feigning being hurt.
Your trick had worked easier than you thought it would as Bucky stopped everything, letting your wrists go as he cupped your face in his hands. "Are you ok?" He panted.
"Got ya." You smirked, eagerly slipping your hands under his shirt, connecting your lips to his neck, trailing down with open mouthed kisses, biting and sucking as he dug his fingers into your hips, groaning.
"You're gonna pay for—aah!" He was interrupted by you brushing your hand over his pants teasingly.
"You fucking tease." He growled, turning to gently toss you on the bed, not wasting a second as he knelt over you, hands on either side of your face.
Impatient, you reached up, dying to touch him again, to feel him up against you, as you curled your fingers under the hem of his shirt, pulling it up as he slipped his arms out, throwing it to the side.
Your felt your core heating as you traced your fingers up his abs, a scar here and there, your finger trailing up his metal arm, brushing against the scars where the arm had been fused to his shoulder.
You took your time exploring his chest with your hands, running them down and then back up his arms.
Bucky shivered and you wondered if it was simply from your touch as you pulled him back down by his neck, your legs resuming their place around his waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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