Bucky Barnes - Nightmares

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Warnings: ⚠️ none really, just fluff lol

I think this one is gonna be a little shorter....so sorry in advance 😣
In this one, you live in the Avengers hq (you are one lol)

You massaged the sides of your head, staring at the open book in front of you as you forced yourself to concentrate.
You were currently in the library of the Avengers headquarters, normally you would be deep in your books, unaware of the world around you but you kept thinking about Bucky's odd behavior as of late.
He looked like he hadn't gotten proper rest in weeks, he was quiet, at least quieter than usual, staying in his room for the majority of the day.
It was only you two there right now. Everyone else was either on a mission or had time off and was spending it with family.
By now Steve probably would have helped him with whatever was bothering him, and you wanted to help him, but you were certainly too shy to approach Bucky. And you didn't want to impose. You didn't think you knew him well enough to be inserting yourself into his personal life.
Shaking your thoughts away you focused your eyes back on the book, your stomach growling, another interruption.
Sighing, you set the book down, finally looking at the time.
You jumped up, leaving and making your way to the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinet. It was gonna be a really late dinner.
"Has no one gone grocery shopping??" You grumbled to yourself.
"No." A gruff, but somehow still soft voice answered.
You jumped, your hand coming up to your heart.
"Sorry." Bucky stood on the other side of the counter, his head ducked.
"It's ok."
He nodded, before slowly turning around, looking like he wanted to say something more, but didn't.
"Um, wait." You blurted out, him turning back to face you. "I-I was thinking about ordering take out...would you like some too?"
Why was it so hard to just freaking speak?? Your heart pounded as you waited for an answer to the simplest question.
Bucky rewarded you with a small smile, making stepping out of your comfort zone worth it. "I already ate, but thanks."
You could only nod, returning the smile.
As he walked away you resisted the urge to bang your head on the counter. You stupid stupid idiot.
He probably thought you were a fumbling moron.

Timeskip to late at night~

You stepped out of the shower, drying off quickly before throwing on an oversized sweatshirt and shorts, towel drying your hair before pulling it up into a messy bun.
You shivered as the cold air of your room met your skin, jumping under the covers, grabbing your phone to check the time.
It read 11:21. It wasn't unusual for you to go to bed late, and wake up later. You were never a morning bird anyway.
Just as you were warming up you heard a loud thump, down the hall, in the direction of Bucky's room.
Sitting up, you hesitated only a moment before you pushed the covers off, slipping quietly towards the door, leaning against it with your ear, listening.
Another thump.
Was he ok? Should you check on him? Would that be rude?
Another thump and you decided to risk it. You carefully opened your door, tippy toeing down the hall, stopping at his door, you knocked softly.
Your breath caught in your throat as you contemplated running back to the safety of your room.
No answer. Maybe this was a sign you should leave him be?
"Bucky?" You whispered.
Still nothing.
Concern overcame your fear of talking to him.
The door clicked as you opened it, pushing it open slowly to reveal an empty room, besides the figure under the bed covers.
The figure kicked, making another thump as he flailed around, groaning and whimpering.
Was he having a nightmare? Should you wait it out? Should you wake him?
Deciding on the latter you slowly approached the bed, reaching over with one hand to gently shake his shoulder after clicking the small lamp by his bed on.
"Bucky, wake up. Bucky?"
Before you could say more you were jerked up and over him, landing on your back on the bed, Bucky straddling, his metal hand choking you.
He hovered over you panting, his eyes glazed over with fear.
"B-Bucky it's m-me." You coughed.
He gasped, letting go, sitting up. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Bucky slowly moved away, sitting back, his knees up, arms wrapping around them, head hanging in between, his shoulders rising and falling in shallow, quick breaths.
You rubbed your neck, catching your breath. "I-it's ok." That was gonna leave bruises.
"It's not ok. I keep hurting people." His voice cracked and it broke your heart.
You never saw him as the mindless, cruel assassin others spoke of him being. He couldn't be blamed for that, Hydra had been experimenting on him and using him.
And honestly he had never seemed that scary to you, till you developed a crush on him. He just looked so tired of his lifestyle. Tired of fighting and killing.
(Silence~Marshmello ft Khalid always reminds me of Bucky)
You sat in silence for a moment, before you made a move so bold you surprised yourself. You reached forward, gently moving his arms and legs out of the way, basically climbing onto his lap to hug him.
"You don't hurt people." You murmured into his shoulder, your arms around his neck, one hand slowly running through his hair.
Bucky hugged back immediately, his face buried in your neck, arms tightly wrapped around your waist.
He was drenched in sweat but you didn't care, his chest heaving against you as his breathing slowly calmed from his nightmare, returning to normal.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked softly.
"No...I just want that part of my life to be over." He seemingly burrowed deeper in your hug. You wondered when the last time was that he had been hugged.
You stayed there, until you felt like you were gonna fall asleep, he was warm and you felt more safe and comfortable than you'd ever felt.
You couldn't even imagine how tired Bucky must be if he was up with nightmares all the time, he probably just wanted to sleep.
"Are you gonna be ok?" You slowly pulled back.
You traced your finger across his forehead, running your hands through his hair, pushing it away from his beautiful face.
His eyes were dull and full of tears but he nodded slowly.
Did he want you to stay? No, there was no way. You bit your lip, before asking. "Would you like me to stay?"
"Please." His voice was hoarse.
You smiled . "Do you want to sleep now?"
He nodded, holding you by your waist as he lifted you off the bed just enough to move you so your head was resting on his pillow, him laying practically on top of you.
Both arms wrapping around you, his head buried in your neck again as you continued to play with his hair.
Bucky's POV~
Y/N gently stroked his hair back, her eyebrows raised in concern. How could one person be so caring and beautiful?
"Do you want to sleep now?" She smiled warmly, and he wanted her to stay forever.
He nodded, holding Y/N by her waist, moving her to lay down, before quickly returning his arms around her waist, worried if he let her go, she would change her mind and leave.
He buried his face in her neck, her familiar scent of vanilla softly wafting over him. Everything thing about Y/N was calming and comforting, from the sweet perfume that she used to the messy, but adorable bun she always had her hair up in, to the way she tripped over her words when she spoke.
He had been wanting nothing more than a hug, and it had been ages since anyone had given him one. Everyone seemed to back away when he entered a room and he couldn't blame them.
He hugged her tighter, deciding to ask her the question he'd been dying to ask her since they met.
"Y/N, would you go out with me?"
Y/N's POV~
"Y/N, would you go out with me?"
Your breath caught in your throat and you were pretty sure your heart stopped too, before speeding up so quickly you thought it was going to burst out of your chest.
Could Bucky hear your heart going wild??
"If-if you don't want to that's ok." Bucky's voice was low and cautious, still not looking up at you.
"I would love to, Bucky. I just didn't know you could ever feel like that towards someone like me." You felt a stupid smile spreading and you buried your face in his hair, resisting the urge to kiss his forehead.
Bucky moved up enough to be face to face with you, his blue eyes intense, even in the dim lighting.
You didn't move, afraid that it would scare him off.
"Do you have any idea how you make me feel, doll?" His voice was even deeper from his sleepiness
He grabbed your hand, pressing it to his chest where his heart was thumping wildly.
You were getting a small glance at the Bucky from the 40s that Steve always talked about.
You blushed, hiding your face in his arm that supported him above you.
"There's no need to be shy, Y/N." He used your name and you turned to face him, surprised by the sincerity in his eyes.
No one had ever talked to you like this. You didn't know how to react. So instead of shrinking away, you did something you never thought you'd be bold enough to do.
You pulled him down with your hand behind his neck, your lips meeting his as electric waves shot to every corner of your body, your face immediately heating, but you kissed him harder, your hands up in his hair.
"Attagirl" Bucky half growled, smiling into the kiss, pulling you closer by your waist, if it was even possible to get any closer.
The kiss lasted a while, taking your time, till you finally pulled back as you both caught your breath.
He noticed the red marks that were already beginning to bruise on your neck and his eyes widened with concern.
"I'm so sorry, doll." He bent over, lightly kissing the marks, his breath on your skin, making you shiver.
He apologized in between each kiss until he had kissed every mark on your neck. All you could do was run your fingers through his hair, the other hand resting on his shoulder, your eyes closed, a small hum of pure bliss slipping out.
"So sensitive." Bucky smiled against your neck, you moaned lightly in reply, unable to form a sentence.
Bucky's weight shifted as he came up to be face to face, and you opened your eyes, his eyes meeting your gaze, and you smiled shyly. "Hi." You whispered.
"Hi." He chuckled, kissing your forehead before laying beside you, your head now on his chest, his metal arm tucked under you.

You began to doze off, his heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
"Good night, Y/N." His chest vibrated with his words.
"Good night, Buck." You shortened his name for the first time, liking the sound of it.
You traced random doodles with your finger on his chest till your eyes felt heavy and you drifted off to sleep.

Well, that's it 😅 so much for short lol.
Hope you enjoyed, as usual, requests are open.
~Holly ❤️

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