Unfair Advantage

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I had to ground myself from hugging anyone on the Urameshi team. I wasn't a fighter, so there wasn't anything I could do if someone decided to target me while we were on the island. There was nothing that could stop the tears of sheer relief when I realized they were all fine, except Hiei. Whether the others just refused to acknowledge it, the scent of darkness and charred skin was around him.

"What do you plan to do?" Shuichi asked, his tense features slowly easing into his usual politeness.

Glancing at Hiei, I knew what he would say when I gave my response. "What do you want me to do?"

My glance hadn't gone unnoticed by my brother who tensed up, "I need to speak with you privately."

I knew what was happening as we headed back to the hotel. Instead of going to his own hotel room, Shuichi came to mine. I sat on the couch, putting my crystal ball on the table while he stayed on the other side of the room. "Hiei will not admit his condition. Can you tell if we will survive while he is in this state?"

I looked at the crystal ball, carefully sorting through the paths to take where Hiei would be able to survive.

"He is in pain, and he will struggle alone, as we expect. Just keep an eye on him, and he will survive. He should be able to still train in his dreams without the pain in his arm, but it will be difficult for him to sleep. I won't let any of you sacrifice sleep for training. Just not tonight."

"That isn't your decision to make, Pippa," Shuichi told me firmly.

"They are my dreams. I will not allow you to train in them," I argued.

"Pippa, we don't have a choice," he said, hoping to reason with me.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared, "You're going to argue with someone that can literally tell the future? You don't think I haven't found the path for you to take to assure victory? I'll have to focus harder to figure out a way to avoid certain people from dying, but as for tonight, you need to sleep. Wake up when you please, but get some sleep tonight. When you need training, I'll come to you."

"And what will you do for Hiei?"

"Force him to rest, if need be. Figure out how to build him a dream that will help him relax while he heals."

"For that, you will need to take him to Demon World," Shuichi advised. "Be careful when you go. He will be able to sense if I am with him, so you will need to go alone."

With a shaky sigh, I nodded, "He won't be happy with you or me. When you find him tomorrow, he will not be in a good mood, and he will be very angry with me."

Smiling he replied, "I'll try to not take it personally."

A knock caught our attention, so Shuichi opened the door.

"This check is for Ms. Minamino," the well dressed man said as he handed the teen an envelope.

"Thank you," Shuichi said as he closed the door and passed the envelope to me.

"Huh, that was fast," I replied as I opened it and stared at the large amount of money on the paper. The writing was shaky, like the man had been put under a great deal of pressure to write it. Though I didn't agree with it, Sakyo must have used Toguro to intimidate the man to writing the check so he would be forced to keep his word.


I looked at Shuichi before handing him the envelope, "Sakyo thought it would be fun to have someone throw in a bet for the Urameshi team, someone that doesn't understand the Dark Tournament. So, I'm playing a little betting game with the other team owners. This was my first win. A bit on the low side since the man bet my life, but can't win them all, I guess."

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