Time to Celebrate

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Three hours. I stood in front of a board of directors for three hours telling them what had happened to me under Mr. Kokki's watch. Witnesses were brought in, including Eiko, who all denied my accusations and their involvement. And it's not like I could tell the board that Eiko was pregnant. She didn't even know that yet.

The ordeal only got worse when Mr. Kokki's wife showed up to defend him. She slapped me right in front of the directors, screaming and calling me every name she could think of, and a few I'm sure she made up on the spot, damning me for trying to ruin her family. In the end, I got a month's worth of detention for trying to ruin the reputation of the school.

I blew on my straw making bubbles float to the top of my soda as Shuichi sighed. Since he had never witnessed anything and with Hiei arrested, there was nothing I could do to prove anything had happened.

"Detention is better than suspension, I suppose," Shuichi finally said.

"Not really. Mr. Kokki is who watches the detention."

"It may not help much, but you will be immune to the Ren'ai weed. The medicine I gave you forced the toxins out and encouraged your Spirit Energy to absorb the poison to strengthen your mind. That is why you were able to take me into your dream and show me the future when Hiei kidnapped Keiko."

I remembered that. It taught me a lesson, a very serious one. Somehow Keiko had managed to remember me, even though she had not entirely been in my dream. I had watched her get kidnapped by Hiei, and everyone throughout the dream had been oblivious to my presence, except Shuichi who had somehow managed to piggyback through, much like Hiei had. Then, one day, I was walking through town and bumped into Yusuke and Keiko. The brown haired girl greeted me like an old friend, despite having never met.

I rubbed my eyes as I thought back to the girl, "I forgot I'm supposed to hang out with her after detention." My attention moved to my brother, who was quite surprised by the friendship. "She loves how I do my makeup and wants me to teach her how, so we're going to be testing things out today." Chuckling, I leaned back in my desk, "She said she's used to waiting until Yusuke is getting out of detention, so it's not going to be much different than her normal routine."

"You must be careful with her, Pippa. She has almost no spirit awareness, meaning she is left in the dark. She cannot, and possibly will never be able to protect herself from demons. With your power, you should be able to at least manage to scare them off."

"Scare them off?" I repeated, doubtful of his rather grandeur vision of my abilities.

He sighed, running his hands through his long hair, "Think about it. If you can pull people into dreams, who's to say that you can't go into theirs? If you can control dreams, you may be able to control someone, or their mind's eye, to be more precise."

"Like daydreams or waking nightmares?" That sounded like a pretty cool power, but was it possible?

He nodded, "That being said, demons will focus on her should Yusuke get too involved in their mischief. You will need to keep that in mind."

Right. I had become Keiko's "body guard". There was a problem. "How can I learn how to control," I looked around trying to find anything to point at before just placing both of my hands on my head, "this?"

"Practice. I'll be teaching you how to control your Spirit Energy. I will be more than happy to be a test subject for your mind tricks. But, until then," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a seed, "You get to make this grow."

I sighed as I took the seed and placed it in my jacket pocket. How stupid.

"That doesn't match your complexion," I told Keiko as she looked over a foundation bottle. "Do you really want to start on foundation? We're going to do this every week, you know."

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