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Five days passed, and the red eyed man never showed. No matter how close to the Orb of Baast I got, there was no one there to stop me. I could tell Shuichi was worried, even though I tried to assure him. Every day I stood outside that bastard, Mr. Kokki's door, longing for that damned tea. Every day I managed to find the willpower to walk away.

It was harder than I thought, especially when Eiko asked me to go with her. Mr. Kikko got his kicks out of watching as many students strip down in his office and do as he directed. The only problem was no matter how hard I tried, if he summoned me, I would go.

"Ah, Pippa," Mr. Kikko greeted with a kind smile. "I'm happy to see that you've corrected your uniform."

The smile I managed was thin and forced. The uniform fit tight to my chest, and the skirt was shorter, if that was possible. "Yes sir." I gave a small bow, "I must go to the hospital. Mother may die soon."

He put a hand on my shoulder, making me force myself to calm down before I willingly entered his office. "I'll see you in the morning, then."

I was caught off guard by his brave and foolish move of kissing me right in the hallway. Even more so when he slipped something into my mouth that popped when he bit down.

Tears formed at the corners of my eyes as my body moved closer to him, my arms wrapping around his shoulders. He chuckled against my lips, "There's a good girl."

I left the school broken and defeated, my body weary from the dreadful activities I had just suffered. There was nothing I could say when I got to the hospital. My silence worried my brother, and there was nothing I could do.

When we got back to the hotel room, he began questioning me, all of which I ignored as I tried to figure out how to tell him. When my eyes found the book, I nearly facepalmed at my stupidity.

Shuichi went silent as I grabbed the book, flipping through the pages to find the plant dictionary Jason had made. Grabbing a pencil, I circled Ren'ai and tried to hand the book to my brother.

My eyes widened as I got to my feet and headed to the bathroom. Shuichi must have sensed my distress as he took the book from me. Before I could try to get it back, someone grabbed me and threw me to the bed, holding me down before I could even react.

I blinked up at the red eyed man who focused on my frowning brother. "Well? What is it?"

"Ren'ai weed," Shuichi replied as he closed the book. He frowned as he walked to me, avoiding touching me, "The side effects of that drug resemble that of a simple crush. You fought hard, Pippa, but I'm afraid that was the wrong approach. Fighting the Ren'ai weed only makes the addiction worse, and the longing for whoever gave it to you deadly. After three months, you would have slaughtered any one else under the Ren'ai weed's grasp just to have Mr. Kokki for yourself. There is a cure for this weed, which is why Hiei is here."

I blinked looking at the red eyed man I now knew as Hiei. What on earth could he do for me? He didn't even come for me when I wanted to speak with him. My head slammed against the wall. I didn't even know this guy, but I had been wanting help from him. Here he was, some minor thief wanting to give a magical soccer ball to some guy that ate souls and a mirror to my brother. All he wanted was chaos, so why did I want his help?

"Open your mouth," Shuichi directed.

When I tried, my mouth remained shut. To my surprise, Hiei grabbed my face, forcing my mouth open. My body felt like it had caught fire. Every longing and desire I had for Mr. Kikko was long gone and focused on this man in front of me.

"Speak, girl," Hiei ordered.

Words starting pouring from my mouth as I focused on him. Everything that had happened, everyone involved, everything I hadn't been able to tell my brother because I had been silenced by that stupid weed.

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