The Hiruseki Stone

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Three weeks. For three weeks, I was stuck on the damned ren'ai weed and nothing to show for it. Things were tense around the house, the hormonal battle between Hiei and me being awkward when we were both clear headed. Still, when I checked the crystal ball, I wasn't getting any closer to the mansion in the forest.

Hiei's way of taking out his frustrations came to me in my dreams as he taught me how to fight, Shuichi occasionally joining in just for a laugh. It was a slow proces. Every day I woke up sore, but Shuichi said he was seeing improvements, though Hiei always gave harsh criticism in return. Still, with all those lessons being pounded into my head, I couldn't use any of them against Mr. Kokki.

Again, I shivered, craving more than just the light caress from Mr. Kokki. Both of his hands had brushed my neck as he finished tying the black cord around my neck. Despite the beauty of the gem, it felt cold. It was cold, either unable to retain heat or denying heat entirely.

"There aren't very many of these, Pippa," he said with a smile. "Hiruseki stones are a rarity in their own right, but you, like this one, are the rarest they come. It's the first Hiruseki stone. Tell me, do you believe in demons?"

Unable to lie to him, I nodded.

He smiled, "There's a race of demons called the Koorime. It's a solely female race, each having an infant every hundred years or so. This one, however, belonged to a woman who met a man, and ended up having twins, a boy and a girl. The boy must have lost his. That race is cold and unforgiving, so he's probably dead."

"So, what is it?" I asked.

"The tears of the koorime are precious jewels. Whoever a Koorime gives birth, they cry one unique gem, different from the rest of their tears."

"I see," I said as I lightly touched it.

There was immediate anger, hate, and sorrow all pushed into the one touch. A familiar face flashed within my mind. Suddenly, Mr. Kokki was no longer the man I craved.

He sent me home, and I ran as fast as my small legs would allow.

"Shuichi!" I called when I stepped in.

Nothing. Mother was probably still at work, and Hiei did his own thing when he wasn't home. Sighing, I closed my eyes, focusing on my brother. When I opened them, I could see what Shuichi saw. He was at the grocery store.

"Shuichi, I need you to come home as soon as possible," I said as I pulled the necklace off, staring at my closed hand.

"I'm at the store," he replied as he looked at the assortment of beef. "What's so important?"

I swallowed hard, slowly opening my hands, "Mr. Kokki this to me today. He said it was a Hiruseki stone. I think it's Hiei's."

"I'll be home soon," he told me and my vision returned.

A whimper escaped when the sharp tip of Hiei's sword touched the back of my neck.

"Explain now," Hiei ordered.

"Mr. Kokki gave it to me," I replied. "Please don't touch me. Shuichi hasn't given me the antidote."

"Put it on the table," he ordered.

When I complied to his order, he stepped to my side, looking at the jewel as it glittered in the dull light. For a moment, there was conflict in those crimson eyes. In that moment, the effects of the ren'ai weed faded. I noticed how tight his grip was on the hilt of his blade. Though I knew the consequences of my actions, I still reached to him, gently placing my hand on his.

His eyes widened as he disappeared from my side, reappearing on the top of the stairs. He was confused, looking at his hand where I had touched him as if to find a burn. There was nothing there. No desire, no longing or craving. It was awkward, but we were both content, neither trying to rip the clothes off the other.

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