The Road to Victory

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"Focus," Hiei ordered.

He needed enemies to fight, so I would create clones of monsters he faced in the past. It was easy enough to enter his mind and replay fights he had experienced. However, when I tried to recreate the Toguro man he spoke of, I couldn't make it.

"Hiei, I can't create Toguro," I told him as he sheathed his sword. "There's no easy way to say this, but you're afraid of him, and without a clear picture of him, I can't create him."

Since it was the two of us in this dream world, Hiei simply glared at me, "Don't be ridiculous."

"You're not the only one. Shuichi's asked me to recreate him, and he is scared as well. I've tried to reach Yusuke's dreams, but when I can touch them, he's dreaming of his training. Everyone is afraid of him. There is no weakness in fear. I don't know who he is, and I'm reluctant on even trying to find more information about him. Anything that can scare you and Shuichi is not something I am eager to meet."

"I don't know how much more of this I can take," Kuwabara complained as he sluggishly approached us, rubbing his eyes from lack of true rest. "Kurama kicks my butt all day, then I get to go to bed and get my butt kicked all night, too."

"You're just nervous. The tournament is next week," I replied.

"And yet, you still feel as though you've gotten a full night's rest," Shuichi said as he appeared. "Pippa, can you create the Saint Beasts?"

The rock monster, Genbu, the white tiger, Byakko, and the blue dragon, Seiryu appeared. I secretly believed Shuichi enjoyed torturing Kuwabara. The attack from the beasts as well as Shuichi attacking the teen was almost pathetic as he desperately tried to fend for himself.

"Hiei, why didn't you teach Kuwabara how to wield a sword?" I asked curiously as the demon began to remove his cloak.

"You make it sound as though I didn't try. That fool would never understand." He looked at me from the corner of his eye, "It's time you started participating instead of watching."

He disappeared, punching me straight in the face, throwing me into the Byakko I had created. More worried about getting attack by the white tiger than Hiei, I gained my footing and rushed the small man, my fist missing entirely. He had been slowly working my Spirit Energy to this point. It had been hard holding all five of us in a dream, and even harder when they started asking for simple scenery changes. My physical training had been put on the back burner as they trained their bodies while I trained my mind. Hiei believed I was capable of juggling all four of us, control three monsters, and fight him at the same time.

Usually, Hiei nearly beat me unconscious, letting me lay on the ground and fight myself as I tried to keep the dream going. This time seemed no different. He was moving slower, perhaps to help me or to assess his own abilities. I continued to attack, while he simply dodged.

When I tried to kick him, he grabbed my ankle, forcing me to the ground. "You're not even trying," he spat, glaring down at me. "If we fail, not only will we die, but you will as well. Your mother, Keiko, Botan, and everyone else you love will be killed by Toguro, and I doubt he will go easy on them."

I stayed still, staring up at him, "How am I supposed to find hope in that, Hiei?" I closed my eyes, sighing a bit, "I can't see it, but I can feel it. This bloodlust I've never felt. I guess it's because there are so many creatures with the same bloodlust. It's strange, though. There are humans, as well. Some of them are worse than the demons."

I opened my eyes, sitting straight up when I realized my surroundings weren't where I was supposed to be. The concrete arena beneath my feet was unfamiliar as well as the large stadium around me. I was absolutely alone.

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