The Beginning [1/2]

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March 6th
At Aiko's home

Aiko's pov

'Who the fuck planned a flight this early, i'm not getting paid enough for this shit' thought Aiko before turning off her alarm. She got up and dressed to her uniform then she went to the kitchen to prepare a coffee. After drinking her coffee and checking weather she took her luggage and got on her way to the airport.

There were a lot of people at the airport that early in the morning. Aiko made her way to the back door for pilots, stewardesses/stewards and other temporary staff.

"Oh, look who finally got somewhere on time" said the old man.

"Shut up Ben, nobody asked you" mumbled Aiko throwing her duffel bag under her chair and sat down.

"Did someone wake up on the wrong side of their bed today?" the other pilot asked, while looking a bit irridated.

Aiko just looked at him with disgust and made a quiet 'Ew' soud. She took out her phone and checked the weather again to see how the flight will go today. It was 4.58am, in about two minutes they should sound an announcement that told the pilots and stewardesses to get on the plane and start preparing for costumers.


"Hello people, this is your pilot speaking i'm Ben, today's weather is perfect for flying and i hope you to have a nice and a peaceful flight to Fiestolška " said Ben into the microphone, after turning it off he showed signal to Aiko to turn on engines.

A few moments later came an announcement from the management center "hello flight 406 you may take off on track 4, the weather is fine, and the track is free, over".

Flight 406 took off and everything was going smoothly, Aiko thought about finally getting home. Her plants must've been dying to death by now.

At 8am about three hours into the 9 hour flight everything was going smoothly, 10km(~3300 feet) below them was just ocean, a big ass Melcko Ocean, Aiko didn't really care though she had done it many times before. Overall she didn't really understand why people were so scared of heights it wasn't like they were going to fall, and if they were all the plane staff was trained to help all the people to survive. After all they all had to study for the job almost 4 years and most people wouldn't do it just for the money.... mostly.

Yeah, yeah Aiko was there for the money but it's fine even if she did her job just for money, it's fine untill she does her job well.

A message came from the management center "flight 406 your deviating from the course, over"
"flight 406 get back on course, over".

"Flight 406 get back on your track now, over"

"Flight 406, do you read me, flight 406 do you read me, over"

At this moment Aiko knew that her boss was having another epileptic seizure but this time it seemed worse than usually was he even breathing.... barely, his pulse? .... at least it was there, small and quiet, but still there.

"Oi, get me somebody now, quickly" Aiko called on the staff phone. While the management center was still trying to get a response from them.

A small stewardess named Christa came to help the main pilot who now seemed unconscious. While Aiko took over the plane and his device ( since only with his device you could actually answer to the operators ).

"This is co-pilot of flight 406, Hattori Aiko, I read you, what's the problem, over" she asked slowly becoming nerveous, since they were trying to contact them so badly.

"Miss. Hattori from flight 406, you're off course, I repeat, your off course by a lot, over"

'oh shit, ooh shit' thought Aiko to herself, 'this is bad' finally being able to actually see the sensors.

"Flight 406 you need to get on track quickly, you're on flight 387 tracks, I repeate, you're on flight 387 tracks, over"

"on it, over"

'breathe Aiko, breathe, you can do it, you've done it before, on simulations but still everything is exactly the same except that I can actually die' Aiko thought while doing everything she could do to get back on course.

Aiko checked the sensors on the other side to be sure that she's getting out of the other plane's tracks while listening to the operator that tryed to help her.
Her eyes stopped at the weather sensor...

"Oh crap, no no no, it can't be fucking possible" Aiko muttered to herself.

"What flight 406, what cant be possible, over" the operator asked, seeming quite confused.

"Can you check the weather near me please, over" Aiko requested.

About few seconds later the operator answered " The weather should be great for your flight, is there a problem, over"

"According to my weather device there should be a huge storm coming from north-west, over" said Aiko sounding less motivated to actually get out of this plane alive.

" This isn't good, flight 406, I'll ask permission for you to turn back, over" 'Did the operator sound actually worried? No that's impossible, my brain is just playing tricks because it's scared of death' thought Aiko.

" Yes, please do, thank you " she answered with a monotone voice.

A little bit later when Aiko was still trying to get her course straight in case they didn't allow her to go back to Hutsberg she got it almost right wher the weather srystem started to go crazy and beeb 'what is that even possible'

At that moment Aiko got a response "we're sorry but you may not turn back, there is no indication of bad weather for the whole flight, which gives us no reason to interrupt the flight, over" he seemed kinda, sad?

'Welp I gotta keep going since they won't let me go back' thought Aiko to herself a bit more happily because she was finally getting of flight 387's course, until the radar started beebing.

"Can we stop with the fucking beebing" Aiko yelled to herself forgetting that Christa was still in the room with her, when she realized that she quietly apologised to her for yelling so suddenly, fortunately she forgave her.

But then Aiko actually checked why the radar was beebing and discoverd that flight 387 was on the radar.

"Shit this isn't good"

The planes crashed.
They fell.
There was smoke and fire everywhere.
Everybody was either dead or unconscious and dyeing.
Aiko was unconscious.

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I hope you enjoyed the story, this is my first book.

If there is any mistakes please point that out so I can fix them.
And don't worry it's gonna get better.
Thanks for reading :3

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