The Beginning [2/2]

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6th march
Hutsberg University

Carl's pov

It was a basic school day, nothing special. Untill I saw the news

'Two planes had crashed near our school' yes that exactly what the news reporter had said. If I'm not wrong these were flights number 406 and 387.
Welp I cant do anything about that now and I don't have any family who could possibly be on either of tha planes

" Planes crashing reason is still almost unknown..." The news reporter continued "... weather was perfect for both flights, and both of them were on their own trajector. Flight 387 blew up in the air with only pieces remaining, flight 406's plane is still in missing."

'I should probay go to class, biology is next" Carl thought to himself

When he got to class most students were already there except for the teacher. Carl got on his seat and started to scroll on Instagram untill teacher gets there. Most students were on their phones and some were talking quietly.

It was already 16 minutes after class started but the teacher wasn't still there and no mone students had joined either, 'maybe their sick' thought Carl 'no way half of the class got sick at the same time tho' Carl kept on scrolling through hes phone.

Two girls in fort of him were talking abou the plane crash "omg gurl did you hear that the plane nr 387 wasn't an ordinary passengers plane but instead it was some transportation plane that contained some poisonous gas" said the pink haired girl, Carl decided to quietly listen because that gas seemed dangerous to be transported with a whole different plane "yess gurlie, I heard that too, but that gas was supposed to dissolve with oxygen whitin about three days, so I'm not that scared of--"

The dark haired girl was interrupted by the teacher barging in. The doors locked automatically after him. He didn't look really healthy Carl thought and with him came inside that discusting smell.

Some students ingnored it, some covers their mouths and noses. Carl just sank deeper into his hoodie to prevent that smell.

Soon enough the teacher started to teach them like he should, when all of a sudden he shut up in the middle of a sentence and sat down on his desk, looked it with a literal look of stupiditi on his face and pushed off everything from the table including his computer.

All students were in shock, a second or two later some started to giggle quietly, since it wasn't ordinary for you universitys biologi teacher to act like a child. Soon the laughers realised it was a big mistake the teacher just stared to walk towards them. And quite literali took a bite of the boy's neck who started to scream and attack the teacher untill he bled to death.

The teacher was already on his way to the next closest student - the pink haired girl. She didn't move, she was probably to scared to. And so the teacher bit her to, since she didn't fight back the teacher started to eat rest of her, ripping out her eyes first 'I've heard from cannibals that eyes are the most delicious part abou human body'. It was the only thought he had durring all of this chaos.

Finally one of the students snapped back, he was close to Carl so he wishperd "do you have a lighter?" "'that's what you ask, we have a literal zombie right next to us having his meal of the day and you want to smoke?!" I asked irritated of how carless could human beings be. Non the less I gave it to him asking jokingly "do you want a cigarette to?" He looked at me and nodded, but then looked a bit dissapointed. It was probably because of my face I bet it looked like 'wtf do I look like I was being serious'.

Still I gave him the cig to. I mean what ever let my mans enjoy his last smoke while we're all being eaten, one by one.

He got on the table and lit the cigarette while looking intensly at the teacher who had turned his back at us right now. He took a big breath through the cig and blew the smoke on the smoke alarm.

It started to been super loudly, and unlocked all doors, it probably turned on whole schools fire alarm system but who cares I want to get out of there alive.

As soon as the alarm turned on he jumped off the table and threw it at the teacher. We all followed his example, threw the furniture at the teacher and ran out off the class.

As soon as she got out of the building the discusting smell got a lott stronger my imidiate reaction was to cover my mouth and nose even more, I took off my hoodie and used it as a face mask Turing the sleeves together at the back of my head. As we got on the stadium where everybody is supposed to go durring a fire alarm, nobody was there. Were they all really ignoring the fire alarm or  is it something else.

Somebody was running out of the school. One of the boys who were in my class started to run towards them and asking why nobody else was outside.
She told us to cover our mouths and noses and get the hell away from here. And then she turned into one of those things right Infront of our eyes.

Since most of our group wasn't covering their face befor the girl told us to. I'm pretty sure that thei're already infected.

This was the moment I knew 'fuck the school rules I'm getting the hell away from here' and so I ran away as fast as I've ever ran.

While running I realised that I can't keep it up for long enough to escape them so I decided to find a car. 'I can't hot wire one but I can maybe find one with keys inside' I thought, seemed promising so that's what I did.

Luckily the third  car that I found a Mazda 6 had already keys in them but it was low on gas and there was a corpse inside 'jesus how fucking fast these things eat'.

In about an 30 minutes I turned into a gas station to fill up my tank and maybe to get something to eat or that I'd need while driving or fighting these things.

When I walked in it was completely dark like no one was there. 'hmmm shouldn't gas stations be open 24/7, welp.' "Anyone here" I yelled ... No answer. "If you find answer I'll just take what I need and I won't pay for it cause I have no one to pay to" ' I guess it's not stealing when nobody owns these'.

I took some energy drinks, rope, tape, antibiotics, sandwiches, chocolate bars, some bottles of water, toohtpaste and a toothbrush, some weird canned foods (I have no idea why, just felt like I should) sweets and a coffe. When I got back to the car and put those things down I rememberd I'm running out of cigarettes so back we go.

I took 2 lighters and about 10 packs (you'll never know when you need them the most) of cigs and started to look around behind the counter.
A gun? Fuck yes, it must be my lucky day, except of course the fackt that there is a literal zombie apocalypse happening.

I searched for more bullets just incase and found, alot of them

"Pew pew pew, I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me" I said jokingly

I turned around to go back tu my car but then I saw about 11 of those bitches around my car, and there were coming more. Crap.
'I can't shoot them' i figured, it'll make a lot of sound and attract more of those things.

I thought that the day thing to do is to wait for them to lose interest besides I already have food here. And so I loved myself into one of the backrooms.
Only problem was that it was boring to just sit there.


Again tell me if there are any mistakes so I can find them
It's getting intresting, kinda.
Anyways have a wonderful day/night
I'll update as soon as I can.
Ily <3

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