Chapter 1

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<Plane Crash>


Aiko's pov

I woke up

The belt on my seat was cutting into my stomach.
I could barely breathe.
There was a disgusting smell.

These were the first three things I thought of. But I really should get out of this seat, or else my guts would end up behind my back.

When I opened my belt I fell down, the front of the plane was facing down so me being stuck with that belt was swinging like a child who can't get on a swing.

After falling face first on the controll panel I got up, sutrisengly my legs were in one piece, and arms too. What kind of miracle is that.

"Living through a plane crash without a single broken bone" I mumble to myself  while stretching and checking every part of my body to be sure.

"Ouch" ... "Nevermind I guess" I think my ring finger is broken, welp it's just a finger, after all a usless one too, it's not like I'm gonna get married.

Anyways I should check if anyone else survived the crash.

As I open the discusting smell gets in I immediately close the door and find a gas mask (it's necessary equipment in case of something like that happens) I put it on and take the other one too just incase somebody is actually alive.

This time I actually go out but close the door. Maybe I have to go back and I'd like to breathe normally there.

The passengers part of the plane is much further than I thought. About 200m (656 feet).

'Oh god' I think out loudly as I enter the passengers area there are literally limbs every where, and some people look like chripy chicken nuggets as others look like raw meat.

'At least I don't want to eat now' I mumble.

"Hey is anyone consius here?.... Anyone alive?" I shouted trying to get a response.

I walked around the corpses trying to find pulse on anyone whose injurys weren't deadly. While trying to find a pulse on a young man, the lady next to him started looking at me strangely.

She didn't have either of her legs and had a piece of glass or something like that in her left eye, how the fuck was she still alive, and so calm about it. Too calm if I say so myself, almost like she vast dead actually. 'Mabey she was mad that I thought that she was dead and didn't check her pulse, maybe she thought that I care only about pretty and young boy's.' Like the one whose pulse I'm trying to find right now, without any results.

"Do I smell a Karen here?" I asked her, hoping that she was still deaf from the explosion.

After that question she raged and tried to jup at me, while makeing weird 'aargghh' or 'rahgharaarrr' sounds. Luckily her belt was still in the buckle and it prevented her 'attack' if i can say so.

Due do that strange lady and her actions I started to think 'why was she like that no one else on the plane was everybody else was dead'

Exsacly after thinking that I headed toward the last lane of seats I checked everybody until the last girl.

She had a pulse.

And she didn't seem crazy like that lady. I put the other gasmask on her, opened the seat belt buckle and lifted her on my back.

I brought her to the cockpit, I know there has to me medkit somewhere and another on at the stewardesses side. I took the second one on my way there.

Infront of the cockpit I realized that it was too crooked to lay anyone down on the floor, so I put her on the ground infrot of the door and went in.

I took everithing I could possibly need to treat her and myself, since even if I didn't have any broken bones (almost) I still had scratches, wounds and burns that need to be treated.

Thanks to the Starbucks line at the airport I had been in a bit of an hurry so I didn't have time to put away my luggage, I had all my necessary things.

After taking all the necessary things I put on gasmask, got out of the cockpit, lifted the girl on my back and got on my way to find a decent please to stay and where I can make a fire and where is water.

Since finding a place wasn't that hard cause we ended up in a forrest after the crash, I decided to patch her up before makeing a fire, it still seemed to be early in the morning so I didn't have to rush with the fire.

She seemed tu be mostly fine with only a broken leg and two broken fingers index and middle finger on left hand and ofcouse some lighter burn scars and scratches. After patching her up I fixed myself, I had a shit ton of scratches and wounds on my legs for some reason, and the broken finger.

For some reason the discusting smell didn't reach here, so I took off our masks, maybe we were far enough, maybe I'd had something to do with these weird plants around here. Who cares at least  we get to breathe normal air. 

A bit later I made a fire and put the water on there to boil. While waiting it to boil I lied down next to it and almost fell asleep, when I realised that I'm the only consius one so I should keep a watch, even if it's jus for animals.

When the water started to boil I took out a tea bag that I found form my bag.
It seemed to be green tea, not my faveorite but, do I have choice here.

About an hour after drinking the tea I remember I had spare clothes in my bag so I changed into them. They were some cargo sweatpants and a tanktop.
Atleast I got out of the dirty uniform.

If there is one thing I learned from that survival and nature traninig camp its that you should always be ready for a flood or earth quake.

After changing I sat besides the fire and thought that I should sleep a little it can't be that bad to sleep. Just a little.


Now that we're finally starting the story.
Again if there are any mistakes please point that out.
Next chapter will be longer.
I hope you enjoy
ily <3

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