Chapter 2

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<Rock and the intruder>

6 march
Max's grandmother's house
Mrecom village

Max's pov

"I heard that Hutsberg town had something really weird going on this morning."

"Hahaha like what, this is the most boring city in 200 km (~124 miles) radius."

"No no, my niece called me this morning and told that the news were weird, I asked her why would she call me about that and and ended the call."

"That was a bit rude don't you think, atleast call her back and apologie ..."

That's what the old ladies infront of Max were talking about. Max's phone had died so they had nothing better to do, and they couldn't sleep since it was almost their stop.

Max got off at their stop and started to walks towards their grandmothers house she was the only family they had. It took I while to get there the house was about 4 km (2.5 miles) from the bus stop. It was in the woods in the middle of nowhere.

About 40 minutes later they got to their grandmas house. Since she was old and tired she was probably asleep so Max's let themselves in and started to put away the grosseries they had brought.

After that Max started to cook dinner. Still early but they had skipped lunch so they were as hungry as a bear. Max made spaghetti with meatball sauce their grandmas faveorite.

In the middle of cooking the meatballs Max heard footsteps behind themselve and turned around to greet theire grandmother who had woke up.

Who else could it be?

Well it was Max's grandmother but not in the way they were expecting. She wasn't that old lady that made Max food and wanted hugs, no it was a weird monster. Her neck was in half causing her head to fall on her left shoulder, she didn't have her left hand and she was smelling horribly.

Max was scared to death, they were standing in one place, being not able to move. In the last second when they're grandma went in for a 'hug' they realised that and jumped out of the way, she almost fell on the stove but stopped herself with her right hand placing it on the pan that had meatballs cooking on it. But she seemed to not care that her hand was literally on fire (it was a gas stove) she still tried to get to Max.

Max just ran out thinking what the hell was wrong with their grandma, she wasn't acting like herself, she tried to attack Max, she didn't feel pain and the most important thing by the looks she should be already dead, she was like .... a corpse .... that was moving .... like a zombie.

This can't be happening, like lteraly this was some crazy movie stuff so why was their grandma being like that.

Max had seen enogh movies to know that they had to kill their grandma, probably to chop her head off or disable her brain to not send any movements down the nerve system. And this was exactly like one of those situations so they had to try atleast.

By the time Max was done with thinking theire grandma was already outside, limping towards Max. They grabbed a big ass rock and thought that their grandma was already dead so it's better if her body wasn't dyrtied by some weird ass illness that was in it.

Breathe Max, you can't do anything about that now. Just throw th rock at first and figure out how to kill these things. That's how I almost killed my grandma.

Her body was lying still on the ground, without any signs of life on it. But her head on the other hand was still moveing, grabbing grass with her teeth to get toward Max.

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