Chapter 5

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<There are others?>

8th march
Abandoned gas station

Carl's pov

It has been about 2 and a half days since Carl got stuck in the abandoned gas station, thankfully there was some food and water but he thinks he should already move.

The ones that stay in one place never get far in life.

He was sleeping behind the counter when suddenly a 'bang' was heard in front of the station.

Carl jolted awake.

He took his gun, ready to shoot.

Another 'bang' was heard, and another one. Carl had never really trusted his gun skills but it had to do, he had no other choice.

He peeked over the counter and froze.

There were other people.

Well he knew he couldn't be the only one who had survived what ever had happened but he didn't expect anyone to be so close to his hideout.

There were 4 of them a huge bearded man that Carl for sure didn't want to mess with them. A woman that had two guns, another man with a butcher knife and somebody with a rifle.

Carl realised that they had cleaned up those things around his car. How? There were so many of them.

The bearded Brad looking man saw him and yelled to open the door that Carl's had previously locked.

For that time Carl had been frozen for good three minutes. He slowly took the keys off the counter and went to unlock the door.

He was too scared to do anything else, and maybe he could join them. It would be better to not be alone in situations like this right now.

As Carl got to the door, he put the keys in, took a big breath and opened the door.

Strangers walked right in and the knife guy took Carl, what seemed as a hostage.

"Is there anyone else here?" He asked loudly with a low voice.

"N-no" Carl replied, his voice was quiet and rusty. That's what you get for not speaking to anybody for two days.

He didn't look happy with that answer, '"search the place" he said to the woman. She huffed, turned around and made her way to the back doors. But the door was locked, even Carl couldn't find the key to open it.

Knife man who was now tieng Carl's hands together from behind saw her struggle and suddenly pulled the rope so thight, that Carl could've sworn it tore off his skin, and asked "do you have the keys?".

"No I don- "

"Wrong answer" said the man loudly and kicked Carl in the back on his knees, he lost balance and fell on the ground.

"Oops, I worded it wrong" he said now looking sorry "now where are the keys?" He was instantly back to the way he was.

"I don't have them-" this time Carl got straight punch in the face and fell flat on the ground, while trying to get up he got another kick into his guts.

None of the punches, kicks and hits were weak.

The knife man (who still hadn't used his knife, maybe they wanted to keep Carl alive, maybe they wanted him to suffer, who knows) stopped his torture when they all heard a loud thud.

It was the door, that lady had kicked it down.

"I guess we don't need the keys anymore, you're lucky that I'm in a good mood today" the man said and walked into the back rooms behind the woman.

Carl just laid there waiting to be killed, not that he wanted to but he'd rather to be killed over being eaten alive.

The bearded man was sitting on the chair behind the counter and trying to search for something.

The person with rifle was guarding the front door probably from both zombies and from Carl running away, even tho he was in no condition to run.

By the time others got done looting the back rooms the bearded man had collected two plastic bags full of cigarett packs and was now standing next to the front door and talking with the person on guard.

They were leaving now, taking all his stuff, that can't be it, I can't be alone again.

They were outside now.

'haha, it's funny how I don't have anything now, might as well die...' Carl thought about the gun he had....
'wait why didn't they take my gun' are they stupid or do they really think I'm that weak.

'I am not weak.'

That gave enough motivation to Carl that he got up and somehow waddled to the front door grabbing onto the shelves to keep his balance.

He aimed his gun at the tallest of three of them...

'wait three...?'


"Wasn't there four of the-"


Haha cliff hanger go brr.
Anyways sorry that this chapter came out so short, I absolutely hated writing it, but it's somewhat decent now, at least I hope so.

Ps. If you think my pov-s are messed up trust me I know, sorry

Go eat and drink (WATER) and have a nice day/night.


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