Chapter 4

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Early morning

Aiko's pov

I woke up.
The sun was rising.

'Shit, how long did I sleep,' were the first thoughts I had as I sat up. The fire was out.

As I got up to get more fire wood I noticed that the girl wasn't lying on her spot anymore, no no no no she had like a broken a bone or two in her leg, it should hurt like hell if she tried to get up.

'Did somebody take her away?' no, everyone was dead on the plane except that one weird woman, but she couldn't learn over night how to open the belt buckle judging from her mental state.

I got up and tried to search for some signs like broken branches or leaves that showed that somebody had gone through them and which way they had gone but none, no signs of any people being there.

I decided to yell, maybe she heard me or if somebody who took her wanted to shut me up came after me.
I can take them.
I have a stick and I'm not afraid to use it.

Wait what should I yell, I don't even know her name.

"Hey, girl, who I saved, get back here".

'Well that wasn't the smartest thing to scream but what else I'm supposed to say 'oi Batrisha, get yo fat ass back here' no way. She didn't even look like her name was Batrisha, she looked like her name was supposed to be Charlott.' I thought, but the sound of leaves moving on my left brought me back to where I am.

I walked slowly towards the source of the sound as I firmly hold the stick. (U know like "I'm ready to sangwoo that bitch") just in case it wasn't that girl. You'll never know.

"You know I have I name too?" I was about to hit her, thankfully I realized that it was the girl that I had saved not someone else.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know, you were passed out for like a day, or would you have rather being called Batrisha?" I snapped back, if she's about to hit me with that attitude, well suprise bitch, two of us can play that game.

"Why the fuck would you call me Batrisha, do I really look that old, and oh I'm sorry I didn't know your supposed to wake up quickly after surviving a fucking plane crash" she said, louder than normal.

"Chill gurl, I survived that crash to, and you should be thankfull that I brought your fat ass away from that probably toxic gas" after that she shut up for a second.

"Thanks, and it's Samantha" she said much more calm.

"Aiko" she doesn't need to know more about me. I give her over to the hospital in about 1 or 2 days, and that's it, we'll probably never see eachother again so no need to play friends right now.

Samantha's pov

As I was limping towards the fireplace that Aiko had probably made, she put her one arm around my waist and took my arm and put it around her neck to support me.

Not gonna lie, it made walking easier but she seemed so rude before, I didn't think she would care enough about me to help me walk better.

We sat down next to the fire a s she started to question me about my leg.

"Does it hurt?" ' of couse to fucking does, it's broken, what do you think.'

"Yes" 'Sam your pathetic, since when do you think before you talk' I thought.

"Does the bone feel out of its place?"


"Do you want me to tie it up?"

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