Chapter 3

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<If this is dying then,
it's not that bad>

March 8th
Alex's basement
Hutsberg town

Unknown's pov

"God this is going to be painfull" - said the skinny looking small dark figure in the cellar as he just stood there.

"You coming out or what?" I asked after that child didn't move about 10 seconds.

"Ermm... okay" he looked confused.

"You were telling befor that i'd let you out of here and now you're just standing there, hah you look like you were waiting for me to come and slougther you then and there" I said, joking of course.

"I was.... wait you mean to tell me that you weren't going to kill me, then what the hell happened to my family, because I'm pretty sure that I heard them dying or something"

"Argh, umm, how do I say this... they turned so I had to kill them, and I'm sorry they-" I tryed to explain, but then he interrupted me.

"Don't be sorry they were horrible, anyways what do you mean by 'turned' into what, fairies?" He laughed at his own joke, but the laughter quickly died out after I didn't say anything.

"How long were you exactly in that basement?" By that time we had arrived to the kitchen to where the basement stairs lead to.

"Ew, what the fuck is that !? A corpse? Doesn't look like one tho." Was his first reaction after seeing his father literaly chopped up on the kitchen floor. I thought his going to faint or puke after seeing that and not knowing what the hell is going on in the worl right now, but somehow he just scrunched his nose and went towards the fringe.

"Anyways I think it was like 3rd or 4th when they locked me in there" he said casually while makeing a sandwich. "Want one too?"

"I... Yeah, thanks" were the only words I could muster.

"So? You gonna tell me what's going on with the corpse and the fact that you helped me out of the basement or what?" He's said still weirdly calmly, while putting the bread into the toaster. I thought that his reaction might be slow but now it seems like he's used to it. 'What the hell happened to that boy.'

"Trauma, anyways you want salad on it?" Seemed like I said the last part out loud. I thought that I was weird for killing those things with out feeling anything, but this kid in something else.

"I guess you're not going to speak about that" he said pointing at the corpse " so what's your name, I'm Alex."

"I'm Issac and sorry I went a little overboard with your emm father?" Finally being able to say something.

"Anyways there is a zombie apocalypse going on right now and that's why your dad looks like that." While he handed me the sandwich.

He stopped in the middle of a bite and looked at in disbelief "crap, the toaster wasn't working" he mumbled thinking I couldn hear that.

"Okay and how do I know that you aren't one of those things?" He asked seeming kinda concerned. Probably for his own safety.

"Do I look like I'm dumb, dead or dirty?" I asked, thinking does he even have common sense at this point.

"Well yes, except the dead part maybe."

"Fuck off, bitch."

"Looks like somebody is offended" he said giving me a sly smirk.

"Shut up or you end up like your parents over there" I said grabbed my sandwich and my axe and walked off to a bahtroom, I'm not that dirty.

'Of course the water is broken, just perfect,' I thought to myself while walking back to the kitchen. Alex wasn't there anymore.

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