Chapter 6

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8th March
Sum big road idk

Alex's pov

I woke up in the back seat of the car.
It was parked.

I sat up and looked out of the window, we were at some old camping place. It seemed to be abandoned long before that apocalypse thing even started.

I could see a light trough the trees. It was fire kind of light. A campfire.

Isaac was gone, i pretty sure he is the one who started the fire.

I climb out of the car and walk towards the fire, Isaac was sitting next to it and sharpening, an axe?, and not the one he had before.

"Where in the hell did you get that?"

"It was in the shed."

"A shed?"

He answered with just a 'mhmm' noise, well somebody is talkative today huh.

It was getting dark, did i really sleep the whole day away in a car, talk about pathetic.

"Since you got to sleep all day, you're guarding at night." Is he a mind reader, quick think about something random.

'if you hear this then make a duck sound'


Thank god, he can't read minds, i'd be so fucked if he could.

"Alright, fine with me, but can i have that axe, i only have three bullets left and shooting is probably to loud too."

"Whatever, i guess you can take the uglier one"

"You mean the first one you had?"

"No, i mean the one i have in my hand, the one witch is made out of nice pine wood, with craved patterns and expensive leather handel." 'Was that sarcasm.'

"No fucking shit i mean the one i had before, have you seen this one, i will protect it from you with my life."

I was stunned, what was he so angry about. Better if i didn't bother him, for now, or i might actually get my head chopped off.

Instead i want to the car and took the 'uglier' axe, witch by the way was very nice.

When i got back, i sat across him, only the fire was between us, witch was dying.

'welp i guess i am not sitting down then' i went to search for fire wood, and he still didn't question me. He was acting so weird compared to yesterday.


Hey guys or if whoever reads this story, this is the last draft i have from like 5 months ago ig, haven't edited it but here it is. I am going to end this story since i had no sure storyline or no idea where i was going with it but i do have a new story im working on i have a way better storyline and few chapters so i know it's going good, at least for now.

whoever actually enjoyed this (crap now that i'm rereading it) i sorry but i hope you'll like the new story way better.  

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