Girls' Night Out: Part 2

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"Me?! How is this my problem?" She asks as Sam crosses her arms stating "Don't look at me, I'm already on the team," While Jazz glared at Sam I rolled my eyes and stepped onto the little step underneath Danny's chair as I roll my eyes. "I'll make sure they get along, you try to relax and have fun, alright?" 

I tell Danny kissing his cheek and he grabs my hand and gives me a smile. "Alright, I'll see you when I get back Sunshine," He leans in and gives me a kiss before I stepped down and he shut the door. "Have fun catching the disgusting fish with our boys' sweetie," Maddie told Jack as her goodbye. "I'm just glad Danny and I finally get some uh...quality bonding time with his old man."

Jack tells her having to read his book of Father/ Son Relationships for Stupids! "Me too but hurry back," Maddie tells him before he pulls her in for a dip kiss. "I will see you tonight if you miss me just look at this:" He hands her a photo of himself trying to look sexy. We all wave goodbye to the boys as they drive off, mom and Maddie soon giving each other a wide smile before shouting FINALLY!" The two race off, presumably the lab or kitchen, to work on experiments or new recipes. Skulker watched the van drive off muttering "A road trip? I love moving targets, we'll see who's a lousy hunter."

"I'll be right out Ghost Getters!" Jazz tells us, racing up the stairs as Sam, Tuck, and I ask in unison "Ghost Getters?" "Yeah, I thought we needed a cool name since we're kind of Danny and (y/n)'s sidekicks. The original name is Danny Phantom and (s/n)'s Ghost Getters," Jazz explains to us. "We're not really sidekicks," Tuck says and I chime in "You're all anything but sidekicks, you're all just as much as heroes as Danny and I are, if it wasn't for everyone's help we'd have been doomed ten times over."

"And that's not a cool name," Sam finishes off, Jazz putting her hands on her hips saying "Thanks (y/n) but we know we're your guy's sidekicks and just wait for me ok? I have a keynote chart for ghost hunting duties for each of us while Danny's away!"

 Jazz pulls out a pink chart to show and rushes inside before I could tell her all of us already knew what our jobs were, Danny and I were the main force that attacked head-on along with patrols after school and before we go to bed, with Tuck's technology we were able to keep tabs in the Ghost Zone about our enemies which had stopped plenty of attacks, Logan kept track of what our parents were doing so we always knew what was being built, Sam kept up with the gossip and rumors about ghost activities since all she had to do to get that information was ask her parents, Amity Park's biggest gossipers and kept up to date about what was going on, and Jazz kept our cover whenever anyone asked about us and when we all worked together, we came up with the best plans 6 minds could think of.

All three of us give each other a side-eye before taking off down the street, we love you Jazz but we all know what happens when you start to organize an activity. "Mom? Mrs (l/n)?" Jazz called out as she went to the lab to see the two looking over their inventions and research.

"I was going to go with (y/n), Sam, and Tucker if that's ok?" She tells the two as they grab a backpack with round stereo speakers on top. "Oh sure honey, we'll be testing out this baby all day." "I'm glad you two have a chance to work on your own inventions and research instead of always having to fix Dad's, what does that do?" 

"If we're right it'll be able to alter ecto frequencies to completely reverse their effects," Maddie explains and Jazz asks "And if you're wrong?" " It'll make a nice bowl for popcorn," Mom answers shifting through her notes as they get to work. Jhonny was at the park, flirting with any girl who showed interested when suddenly he was shot off his bike into the ground. "Jhonny!" He heard Kitty shout. "Oh boy..." He hops on his bike and drives off, Kitten chasing after him while Ember and Spectra watched. "I'm liking her more and more," Sam, Tucker, and I had decided to go for a walk in the park for the time being until we could decide what we wanted to do for the day.

"There you guys are! Any signs of ecto activity Ghost Getters?!" Jazz asks excitedly as she pulls all three of us in for a hug. "Okay, that's gotta stop," Tuck says, causing Jazz to let go as Sam tells her "Jazz, I know you dream of being one of Danny's and (y/n)'s 'sidekicks'-" She says in quotations when Jazz corrects her.

"Ghost Getters!" "Whatever, but Tucker and I have been doing this a while and we have (y/n) covered. You don't even have the proper equipment," Sam tells her, pointing at the gear Jazz was wearing before continuing. "You at least need a Spector Deflector: like this," She gestures to the Specter Deflector on her when Tuck hands Jazz his stating "She can have mine, it makes my shorts ride up."

 Jazz puts on the belt and gives Sam a smirk. "Face it, Sam, I'm a big part of all this as you are." "As big apart of what? Nothing's happening!" Sam asks when we hear an explosion to our right and we turn to see Kitten standing over Jhonny and I facepalm muttering "We told him to go back to the Ghost Zone..."

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