Phantom Planet: Part 8

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The screen switches to the live feed of our parents along with Master's Blasters. "They look very serious about their mission." "You'd be serious too if you had to eat this freaky astronaut food, freeze-dried yams smelt surprise, what the heck is that?!" Jack said showing the packaged food before throwing it on the ground. "With me now is Amity Park's mayor Vlad Masters. I understand you sent in your own team of experts." "Oh yes, seeing as the world is in jeopardy I felt that the Master's Blaster's presence was an absolute necessity, plus think of how well their action figures will sell."

Lance and Vlad talked when I turned on the mic. "Mr. Fenton, Mom? Mission status?" "Readying seismic drill charges," Mom answering, typing away on a computer before Jack hits a button shouting "Fire!" Two drills shoot out drilling deep into the asteroid. "Detonation in 3...2...1!" BOOM! The rock exploded as the shattered pieces flew across space and everyone began to celebrate.

"Ha! I knew we could do it! There isn't a rock anywhere that can outsmart Jack Fenton!" Suddenly a shadow loomed over the Fenton Rocket and everyone gasped to see Disateroid still unharmed and heading for Earth. 

"That's the Disasteroid, you had us blow up the wrong one you idiots!" "But we couldn't have! Vlad Masters himself punched in the coordinates for us!" Mom tried to explain but it seems the teens weren't willing to listen as a brawl started. "That...That was our last chance!" Maddie exclaimed, leading dad and Jazz away from the screen, soon only Danny, Vlad, and I left in the lab. "Oops, looks like I set the wrong coordinates, silly me. You know how bad I can be with computers. Looks like your parents have failed us once again you two and at a time the world needs a hero the most."

"At least they tried Vlad, what have done except send others to do your work for you?" Danny asks, as we both glared at the man but he counters with "And where are you Danny Phantom and you (s/n)? Looks like my plan to shame you into hiding was even more effective than I could've hoped!" Danny makes a fist and goes to punch Vlad but he sidestepped, causing Danny to faceplant. 

I go over to help him up when the news channel came on again. "I'm just getting word that scientists now know the Disasteroid originated from the rings of Saturn two weeks ago." "Saturn? Your satellite exploded, that's what moved the asteroid, you're the one who caused this catastrophe!" I shout at Vlad pointing at him as he goes ghost. "Defeating you was just the first act of my little show, get ready for act two!"

Plasmius says picking Danny up as I charge an ectoblast. "Put. Him. Down. Now," I say threateningly and Plasmius throws Danny into the busted portal before flying off. "Danny!"  I shout, racing over to look him over. Later a town meeting was called and all of Amity Park surrounded City Hall along with visitors from other nations. "Tell me again, why are we here?" Sam asks.

"Because we've got to see what Vlad's up to, he says he has news that will impact the entire world," Danny explains when the man of the hour walks up to the podium. "Citizens of the Earth! I have news that will impact the entire world! Though every attempt at destroying the Disasteroid has failed, I come to you today, offering an alternative solution. One I think you will find most surprising!" He hops onto the podium, what is he doing? He then jumps and flies into the air, transforming into his ghost half in front of everyone, where it was broadcasted to the entire world. 

Everyone gasped as they looked at him shocked "Oh no..." Danny and I mumble if he's revealing himself this can't be good. "I did not see that coming," Jack stated as the Master's Blasters prepared to shoot him before being shot down in one fell swoop. Plasmius then flies to the front of the crowd and makes his demands.

"Yes, though I use my human half to walk among you, it's obvious I am a far superior creature." "Who are you?" "Though the world has come to know me as Vlad Masters, billionaire mayor of Amity Park, I prefer you call me by my chosen slightly more evil name Vlad Plasmius!" "Vlad's a ghost?!" Maddie asks, surprised stumbling slightly backward. "I have a proposition to make: The nations of the world must agree unanimously to make me absolute ruler of the world, and in return, I shall use my ghost powers-" "To destroy the Disasteroid?" A reporter asks, interrupting him. 

"No! To turn it intangible!" "Evil, but ingenious, that way it'll just pass harmlessly through the Earth!" Dad exclaims when Plasmius speaks again. "It's your choice, world. Be destroyed or be saved, oh! And ruled by me. I eagerly await your decision," He disappears, Jazz asking "What happens now?" "Looks like we either change the name of the Earth to Vladsylvania or we somehow figure a way out of this mess."

Danny, the guys, and I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out a better option, with how much energy it would take to make the full thing intangible it was obvious I couldn't do it without Danny's help, and the Fenton Portal wasn't gonna get fixed int time to get Danny his powers back. So in the end the world agreed to Plasmius's terms and signed a contract with him. "And that concludes Act 2 of what I like to call One Nation Under Vlad. Onto the finale!" The Fenton Rocket is launched as Jack, mom, and Vlad heads towards the Disasteroid.

Author: I'm still confused on why he asked for $50 billion when he's already a billionaire...

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