Masters of All Time: Part 6

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The two look at each other with a small gasp before turning to us shouting "Liar!" "I haven't seen Jack Fenton in years, he blamed me for the accident that gave me his powers, Vlad told me so; we ran away here to escape his ghostly wrath," Maddie said before dad chimed in with "And (m/n) I never had the chance to meet, she sounded great but then we heard she was in cahoots with Jack Fenton and then there was that explosion."

Danny and I give each other a confused look before turning to our parents as Danny asked "What? That's insane! He's still totally in love with you!" "And while yes (m/n) was working with Jack, she was trying to help cure Jack's ecto-acne, she died trying to help him!"

I then explain a new voice echoing through the room. "It's true Maddie, (f/n). It's always been true," Jack flies into the room as our parents' faces drop. "Jack? Vlad told me you never wanted to see me again." "And he told me that the girl you two wanted me to meet was helping you try to kill us." " I never stopped wanting to see ya, Maddie, I just couldn't face you as the thing you despise: a ghost; and (f/n), (m/n) was helping me by trying to figure out the cure to my ecto-acne, she died trying to cure me. But I had to come because of this:" He pulls out Danny's wallet to show the Fenton family photo and then pulled out the Fenton-(l/n) family photo.

Grabbing the photos Maddie and dad look over them as she asks "A family? With you?" A tear slips from her eye as dad spoke up as well. "Not just you but it looks like the girl you wanted me to meet really hit it off and we became neighbors," Danny and I smile as Maddie and dad hug, Jack. "Oh, Jack! And that's why you called me mom and you called him dad at the door! You must be our children from an alternate timeline!"

Maddie said with joy as she released us and we were brought into a group hug as dad pointed out "And our kids are dating each other, how cute!" "The one good thing about having scientist parents: alternate timeline, totally valid excuse," Danny whispered to me as we pulled back and Jack pointed to Jazz.

"So where's our little alternate daughter Davey?" He asks and Danny corrects him. "It's Danny." "That's still dumb," I couldn't help but giggle at Jack's blank face when he said that as Danny tells him:

"It's a little complicated," Maddie walks over to her computer and typed away, bringing up Clockwork's profile. "Clockwork right?" "Wow, you're good," I tell her as dad opens the portal stating "Did you really think we'd spend our days reminiscing about the glory days and coming up with new cheese recipes do you?"

"Oh Maddie, just think in another universe we have two kids to embarrass plus one has a girlfriend!" Jack says excitedly as Danny and I are about to step through the portal we all hear the door open and we all instantaneously turn our heads to see Vlad. "Let's focus on what you're doing in this universe shall we?" A blast of ecto goo was shot and Danny and I had to duck. "I knew this wasn't a carpet foamer, you've been experimenting again!"

"Vlad, it's not what you think!" Maddie and dad said in unison when Jack pulls the two closer saying "No you two, it's exactly what he thinks, we are all destined to be together and nothing will keep us apart any longer!" Jack goes ghost, preparing to fight as Vlad takes aim. "Nothing except this!" Another shot was fired, the goo trapping Jack to the wall. "Leave him alone!" Danny shouts flying towards Vlad and shooting an ectoblast.

"Danny wait, we should leave now while we have the chance!" I shout as more goo was shot and I had to fly away to dodge Maddie who was shot as she crashed into the machine. "Sorry, sweetheart my bad." "Mom!" Danny shouted and shot another ectoblast while dad helped to free Jack. "Don't you ever call her that again!" He shouted shooting Danny back onto the dissecting table where his wrists and ankles were bound again. "You and your girl have overstayed your welcome now you're going to leave molecule by molecule." "Wait no! You don't understand, none of this should be happening!"

Danny cries as the laser got closer to him. "You think I care? I LIKE IT THIS WAY!" "Turn the machine off and step away from my boyfriend," I demand and Vlad turns around to see me charging up an ectoblast directed at him. "Do you actually think you are capable of hurting me?"

"Well, considering I've done it in the past before...Yeah, I do, and since ultimately this timeline will fade away into nothing I can make this as painful for you as I want," My glare hardens as Vlad glares back at me and charges for the laser to shoot at me when Jack pushes him aside shouting "Get away from them!"

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