D-Stabilized: Part 2

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"Huh?! Those ghosts must be around here! Don't worry kids, I'm not gonna let some little ghost freaks getcha, hold on!" Valerie shouts flying towards the two. Danni grabs (b/n)'s hand and runs away into an abandoned building, Valerie hopping off her hoverboard and following in while the two hid under a table cloth. 

"Listen, kids, I know you're in here and I know something evil is hunting you," Valerie stated as she entered the building turning on a light above her head as she searched for the two, both muttering "Yeah, no kidding!" "But I can protect you if you just trust me and come out," She pleads, stepping on a loose board, causing the building to start crashing down.

 Quickly the two run out in Valerie's view and go ghost and grab a hold of Valerie, turning her intangible as the building collapsed as they flung out into the alleyway. Valerie scooches away from the two with a confused look. "You're a girl and boy and ghosts?!" "And you're welcome," Danni told with a smile as the two continued to catch their breath. "The ghost kids!" "Yeah but you can just call me Danni and that's (b/n)," Danni says, standing up as the two extend an arm to shake Valerie's hand. "Oh I will," She says pulling out a device that created ecto-handcuffs on the two. "Danni Phantom and (b/s/n)."

In the lab of Fenton Works Jack was holding a container with a ghost, he and his wife excited about the experiment as my parents finished up the concoction. Danny and I had been dragged downstairs to watch, I tap my foot impatiently as I whisper to Danny "We need to go..." Danny checks his watch to check the exact time as he said "Dad, we really gotta go, Sam, Tucker, and Logan have been waiting half an hour for us to patrol-" I jab him cutting him off and he quickly corrects himself.

"Uh, Patroooclus. To do a report on Patroclus, a greek warrior friend of Achilles!" I smile at the greek fact, ever since we had made the alliance with Pandora he had been studying greek mythology just in case we ran into any more greek gods. "Your math homework can wait boy. Check out our newest invention! I call it Ecto-Dejecto! With one little shot of this no go juice, ghostly powers shrivel up like raisins in the sun," Jack explained, my parents, finishing it up as they put it in a syringe and handed it to Jack who injects it into the ghost in the small container. 

"Take this spooky stinker, yeah he's tiny but terror comes in all sizes, just hit him with some Ecto-Dejecto and he goes from tiny to gone. Sayonara spectral scum!" We watch as the poor thing shrinks and deflates, yeah if this thing works we might have a huge problem on our hands.

We then watch as the ghost starts to get bigger. "Are we shrinking?! Oh no, no stop!" Jack shouts as the ghost broke the container. "(m/n) quick the Ray Thrangler!" Dad shouted and mom threw a rope catching the ghost as dad, and Maddie throws extra ropes.

"Kids containment!" Jack shouted and we race over to the containment center and open the door. Our parents let go of the ropes, sending the ghost into the area and we all slam the door shut. "I just don't know why we can't get the kinks outta this one," Dad mutters, pulling out his notebook and a pencil and drawing a line over something he wrote down. 

Our parents had been working on this project for the past month and they had tried this on 8 experiments, 9 counting the ghost we just shoved into the containment with the rest of the ghosts. "Uh, any objections from us getting far, far away from here?" Danny asks and Maddie says "Good idea Danny, best you and (y/n) avoid any unnecessary contamination!" "Or embarrassment...Thanks!" Danny mumbles as he grabs my hand and we rush out of the lab, Jack asking "Maybe we just need a bigger needle?"

In the basement of Valerie's apartment, Danni and (b/n) continue to try and break free from their restraints with no such luck. "Let us go!" (b/n) demands. "Not on your afterlife ghost boy!" A look of worry appears on Danni's face as she watches her hands start to melt and with one quick glance, she noticed the same thing was happening to (b/n).

"That's what we're afraid of, what are you going to do with us?" Danni asks, looking up at Valerie who shrugs. "Me? I'm not doing anything with you. I've got you all bundled up for delivery to Vlad Masters," She says, pulling out her phone to two asking in unison "You're working for Vlad?! He'll destroy us!" "Ha! That's a good one. He told me the only reason you came out of the Ghost Zone was to destroy him!"

 The two give each other a confused glance as they ask again "What?!" "No, he's lying!" (b/n) stated and Valerie rolls her eyes. "Vlad Masters is a good man, he has never lied to me," She raises her phone as Danni scoffs telling her "Are you crazy?! Look at us! Does it look like we could destroy anything?" On closer inspection, Valerie notices their skin almost looked like it was melting but she decided to ignore it after all it wasn't her problem.

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now