Livin' Large: Part 1

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"Ugh, I am so dead..." Danny trails off as we phase through his door and detransform, Danny walking to his bed while I open the door for Sam, Tuck, and Logan before following suit. "Who knew learning stuff and groping for the approval of our peers could be so exhausting..." Danny mutters into his blankets while our friends find a place to sit somewhere in the room. "7: 30 to 3:30 schools like an 8 hour day!" Tuck says, exasperated as I chimed in with "And every day is a battle, especially when we have to battle something." "Is this it guys? Is life over? Is it just downhill from here?"

Danny asks, rolling onto his back with a sad look at Tuck shrugs it off stating "No way, life will get a heck of a lot better once someone pays us to work our butts off," Before anyone could respond, Danny's door burst open as Jack popped his head through shouting "Hello youngsters, how was school?" "Well it was pretty exhau-" Logan tried to say before being cut off. "That's super, your mother, the (l/n)s, and I need five strong hands to help out in the lab so let's hop to it!"

"How much are you paying?" Danny asks and Jack scoffs "I pay you to mow the lawn, this you'll do for the love of science!" Before any of us could protest we were all dragged down to the lab to help out. We instantly notice three bikes strapped up to a tall machine with a satellite dish at the top, it was connected to a shorter machine that Danny was placed in front of and told "Lean all your weight into that photon generator son, it refuses to generate photons unless someone tips it a bit to the left."

 "Our equipment is a tad persnickety," Maddie explains as she drags Sam to a corner, putting headphones on her, and hands her a little device. "Sam just aim your satellite dish into the sky above that neon taco sign, that's where Star Net Seven is in geo synchronization orbit with our lab."

"But- but-" She tried to protest only to be cut off. "Quiet! Don't speak or move a muscle for the next 37 and a half minutes!" "Man, Fenton Works sure is low five," Tucker absent-mindedly states looking around as Jack tells him. "Nonsense! Here, take this World's Best Mom! coffee mug and pound on the top of the oscilloscope whenever it goes all fuzzy," Just like that it went fuzzy and Tuck does what was asked of him.

 "Hey! I'm a real-life scientist!" "Maddie, Logan, and (y/n) crank her up! (m/n) and (f/n) take your notes!" Jack demanded as the three of us hopped on the bikes and start peddling while my parents watch intently Jack hopping x-d out platform and taking out his phone as the machine starts powering up. "What's all this supposed to do?" Sam asks after we all give each other a side-eye.

"Now if all goes well it should evaporate every ghost being within my cellphone calling area with no roaming charges!" He explains as we all give each other a worried look, just as Danny was going to try and convince his dad not to do this the doorbell rang and everyone stopped what they were doing to look up the stairs. 'Now who in blazes could that be?" Jack wondered as Jazz raced down the stairs and said in a worried tone:

"Mom...Dad...There's someone here to see you and the (l/n)s..." She trails off as the GIW jump down and points their guns at us as we all gasp. "Well if it isn't my heroes the Guys In White!" Jack exclaimed happily as his wife and my parents glare at them, mom crossing her arms as she states "I'm surprised you rang the bell, don't you usually knock in a wall or crash through the ceiling?" The two give each other a look and stow away their guns as they said "Sorry habit." "The government is sorry about all the past...Misunderstandings." "Like labeling you a crackpot Fenton that was...Wrong of us."

"The government now admits that you Fentons and the (l/n)s are uh...Well geniuses," They explain, having to look at flashcards to remember what to say as Danny, I and our friends roll our eyes at them. "Well, gee it's about doggone time!" "Oh, Jack finally government approval of our work!"

Danny's parents say happily as the GIW continue what they were saying. "About that work, the government has authorized us to buy it along with the (l/n)'s research about ghosts, the Ghost Zone, etc., and lock stock and barrel." "Ha! Don't be ridiculous, I've poured my heart, soul, and life's blood into this laboratory and the same goes for my friend's research and you can't put a price on that, Fenton Works and (l/n)'s research is not for sale!" Jack says with a scoff and they respond by pulling out two very large checks and handing them to our parents as my parents and Jack's eyes widening muttering "Woah, that's a lot of zeros," Instantly Jack hands over the keys and quickly grabs my parent's research also handing that over for them.

 "Jack! You can't sell our home or they're research-" Maddie says angrily before the check was shoved in her face and she instantly says "Wow that's a lot of zeros we'll be out by noon tomorrow!" Danny and I give each other a worried look before I slightly nudged my head towards the portal before addressing our parents.

"Wait just a minute what about the Fenton Portal if we sell the houses and your research how will you access the Ghost Zone and learn more about ghosts?!" I question and Jack answers before my parents could again. "We're rich (y/n) from now on we'll just pay someone to answer questions like that," While I had kept the adult's attention occupied Danny had snuck over to the portal and locked it, the three metal bars shutting over it when we hear "I'm going to have to ask you all to step away from the government property."

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