Double Cross My Heart: Part 6

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Next, they went to Nasty Burger where Tucker made a mess every time he took a bite of his burger as he talked with his mouth full. "And my fly was down the entire time!" Sauces from the burger went flying as it got in Sam's eye as she apologizes to Gregor.

 "Tucker! I'm so sorry for this." "His fly was down entire time! What is fly?" Gregor burped in Sam's face before laughing and slamming his hand at the table from Tucker's joke before asking the question.

Afterward, they decided to go to Sam's place to watch a movie where Tucker sat in between the two playing a video game that you couldn't turn sound off as he looks up and asks "Oh does this bother you?"

"Pfft, not at all," Gregor says doing his wrist flick when Tucker's phone starts to ring and he looks at the Caller ID to read the name Danny and he excuses himself. "I have to take this." "So do I apparently," Sam muttered, starting to regret letting Tucker come. "Yo dude, what's up?" "Hey Tucker, anything to report?" Danny asks pacing his room while I sat on his bed impatiently waiting. Danny was stressing over Gregor way too much and I thought spending some time together would help clear his mind but before we could leave he decided to call Tuck.

 "Well I bought this great gravic novel at the Skulk and Lurk, I was two in the par at the putt-putt course oh! And Sam has some kicken new surround sound." "I mean anything about Gregor?!" "Well, if he's a spy, he's really cool for a spy," Tucker says when Gregor interrupts. "Tucker, my friend. Movie is over you up for bowling?" "Gotta go!" Tuck says ending the call, causing Danny to give an exasperated sigh.

"Great now I'm losing both my best friends," Danny mumbles as I tell him "How about we go on that date now to clear your head?" I ask when Danny stands up and says "I know, I have to confront Gregor myself!" I sigh as I watch him start to pace around his room again thinking of what he was going to say, not taking notice as I went home. The next day at school Danny was changing out of his gym clothes, going over what he was going to say. 

"Gregor, I know you're not what you seem to be and- ugh! Gregor! I know you're up to something and-  Guh! C'mon, find the words!" Danny shouts at himself as his eyes glanced over a photo of me and him together from Valentine's day. 

I had jumped on his back and hugged him. Shutting his locker he was met with Gregor's face as he asks "Danny? I wish to talk to you if you are done talking to yourself?" "Uh oh heh, sure Gregor, what's up?" Danny asks sitting down on the bench. "I am not blind, you do not like me."

"Gregor, that's not-" Danny tried to say when Gregor cut him off. "No, no, let me finish; you don't like me because you want to protect your friend Sam and I respect this." "It's not just that..." Danny says as he asks "(y/n) told you about our kiss?" "Well...Yeah." 

"And I wanted to apologize, I thought we had something but I was wrong and after thinking about it I like Sam more and I am sure and I am going to ask her out. I hope you can, how do you Americans say uh hang out?" Gregor says hugging Danny before doing the french greeting of kissing on the cheeks. "I am glad we had this talk," Gregor leaves the lockerroom as Danny processes what just happened as he stands up shouting "I know who you are and I know what you're up to and...Somehow I pictured this chat going differently..." After school Danny and I walked down the stairs to see Sam holding hands with Gregor, Tucker trailing next to them as glares at Danny before a glum face showed up.

A glum face was written on Tucker's face as well as Danny waved at them after Gregor waved at us. Seeing the glum look Danny had I grab his hand and walk him away. We spent the rest of the afternoon together but when we finally came home to do homework we were met with a big surprise. "Our children, hanging out with Danny Phantom and (s/n)?! Well, that is preposterous!"

 We hear Maddie shout before our fathers call our respective names. "Danny/ (y/n)! Get over here!" We come down the stairs and enter the kitchen as we let out a gasp to see the GIW. "We managed to trace this PDA to Tucker Foley, we figured the ghosts must be an associate of his," They explain as Danny nervously asks "Have you checked uh Dash Baxtor?" "And Paulina Sanchez?" 

I chime in as they tell us "Affirmative, he's too much of an oaf to be the ghost boy and she's too full of herself to be the ghost girl. And you, you're too pre-pubescent and she too scrawny." "Hey!" Danny shouted as the GIW came to their own conclusions "And it's not that Manson girl, she's too goth, which leaves that Gregor kid we saw them hanging around with." "Of course! How did we not see that?! He's got white hair and so does the ghost boy! If we capture him, the ghost girl will come after him. C'mon!" 

They race out of the room with guns as Jack calls out "Hey! If you ever need a guy in orange Jack Fenton's your man!" "Wait, Gregor can't be a spy for them if they're going after him with guns blazing!" Danny says as I say eyes widening "And Sam and Tucker are right in the line of fire!" Danny looks at me with the same wide eyes before we both rush out the door. 

Author: Guys I'm so happy and proud! My brother is a sailor now for the Navy, he graduated last month!

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