Chapter 39

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*Taehyung pov*
I made Soobin go downstairs by himself since I wanted to get Yeontan out from his room. I walked a little ways down the hallway before stopping in front of Yeontan's door. I opened the door softly and cooed at the sight of Yeontan sleeping in the bed.

 I opened the door softly and cooed at the sight of Yeontan sleeping in the bed

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(^Yeontan's room because he deserves the best)

I walked over to the puppy before softly petting him to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and let out a short yawn before looking at me. He instantly jumped up and placed his front paws on me as a signal that he wants to be picked up. I instantly complied and cuddled him close to my body. I left the room and closed the door with Yeontan in my arms before making my way downstairs, not really focusing on anything else other than my dog. I cooed at him as he looked up at me with his big eyes. I finally made it down the stairs and put him down so that I could feed him. I bet he was hungry since there's only water in his room. I filled up his bowl before changing the water to fresh water and he instantly dug in. I watched him with a fond smile on my face for a while before deciding to get up. When I stood up, I noticed that everyone else was in the dining room dressed for the day and staring at me. I stood there for a moment before shying away from all of their eyes. I made my way over to the empty seat between Jungkook and Jimin before plopping down. There was food on the table but I wasn't that hungry so I just scooped a little bit of fruit onto my plate and poured myself a glass of water. When I still heard silence, I looked back up to notice that everyone was still staring at me but now with worry. I tilted my head in confusion as I looked at everyone.

"Is something wrong?" I asked before sipping a little bit of my water.

They all shook their heads and got back to eating. I felt a hand on my waist and looked to the side at Jungkook.

"You're not that hungry today?" Jungkook whispered in my ear as he rubbed his thumb on my waist.

I finally realized why everyone looked so worried as I let out a sound of realization.

"Not really.... sorry" I apologized as I looked down at my lap.

"It's okay baby. You don't have to force yourself to eat more if you don't think you can" Jungkook said before pecking the side of my head and turning back to his food.

I smiled lightly before looking down at the little bit of fruit on my plate. I didn't even want to eat that but I knew I needed something in my system. I reached my hand out to grip my fork and that's when I noticed my hand was slightly shaking. My body really didn't want to eat but I was going to make myself at least eat 3 pieces of fruit. I tuned out the conversations around me as I brought my shaking hand to my plate and stabbed a strawberry with my fork. I lifted it up but my hand was shaking more violently than a few minutes ago. I used my other hand to steady myself as I brought the strawberry up to my mouth. I hesitated for a moment before sticking the piece of fruit into my mouth. I instantly wanted to spit it out but I wanted to get better. I clinched my eyes shut as I chewed before swallowing harshly. I let out a breath of relief before moving the fork back to my plate. I picked another piece of fruit before bringing it to my mouth. My hand was still shaking but I hesitated less to put it into my mouth. I chewed it before finally opening my eyes to look at my plate. I had 4 pieces of fruit left and I felt determined to eat it all. I set my fork down before picking up my water to take a few sips. I took a deep breath and picked my fork back up. My hand was less shaky as I ate the last pieces of fruit. When the last one went into my mouth, I set my fork down and smiled as I chewed. I felt pecks on the side of my head and that snapped me out of my thoughts. I heard encouragement coming from both of my boyfriends and that made me smile wider.

'I did it!!' I said in my head as I picked up my glass of water and drank the rest of it.

I stood up out of my seat which caught the attention of everyone at the table.

"I'm gonna go take Tannie out for a walk" I said pointing to my dog that was sitting on his bed in the living room.

They all nodded and continued to eat the rest of their breakfast. I grabbed his leash off of the hook on the wall and he instantly ran over. I giggled at him and connected the leash to his collar before grabbing  a coat from the closet.

 I giggled at him and connected the leash to his collar before grabbing  a coat from the closet

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(^his coat)

I walked out the front door and it was chilly but not freezing outside. We started our route around the neighborhood and patiently waited as Yeontan started to use the bathroom. We were walking back towards the house when Yeontan started to bark at something. Me being confused and thinking that Yeontan was just barking tried to pull him away but he stayed put. I looked up and noticed someone staring straight at me. I looked at him for a few moments before picking up Yeontan and running away. I heard the footsteps starting to follow me from behind and that made me run faster. My house finally came into view and I mentally cried in relief. I used the last of my energy and ran to my door before quickly opening the door and slamming it behind me. I slid down the door after locking it while panting heavily as I let Yeontan out of my arms. I heard footsteps coming towards me but I ignored it in order to get my breathing under control.

'Who the fuck was that?' I asked myself as my breathing finally slowed down.

I looked up when I felt hands on me only to be met with my 2 best friends looking down at me worriedly.

"What happened? Why are you breathing so hard?" Mark asked as he put his hand on my forehead.

"I r-ran h-home" I managed to get out.

"Why?" Jackson asked as he rubbed up and down my arm.

"Someone was following me" I said calmly as I allowed them to help me off the floor.

When I said that I was met with silence. I wasn't trying to make a big deal out of it but I did t want to lie to them either. When I looked up, I was met with many different emotions on their faces. I was confused as to why but I could understand that they are feeling some type of way. I walked past everyone to go to the kitchen and get some water. I was reaching up for a glass when I was pinned to the counter. I wanted to turn around but the person had me pinned in place.

"I just want to say one thing, the stunt you pulled off last night hasn't been forgotten but I'll punish you tonight so be ready princess" the voice now recognized as Jimin whispered deeply in my ear.

I shuddered in response but nodded my head slowly.

'I know it's a punishment but why am I excited?' I thought in my head while biting my lip.

Hey guys!! I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your new year😁. If you read any of my other books, I'll most likely update the other 2 tomorrow

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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