Chapter 5

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*Taehyung pov*
I continued to run, ignoring the voices that were calling my name. My eyes were blurry with the tears that continued to fall out of my eyes but I didn't stop running. I heard the voices get closer so I ran up a stairway. I took 2 stairs at a time and was panting harshly but the adrenaline made me keep running. I finally reached the senior floor and luckily there was no one in the hallway. I kept running until I came across the bathroom at the end of the hallway. It's not the best place to hide but I don't have much time to think about it before my friends find me. I quickly ran into the bathroom and into a random stall. I locked the door and sat on the toilet seat. I brought my legs up to my chest and buried my face in them. I cried silently so that no one would find me.

'They all probably think I'm some big emotional baby' I thought in my head with a pout on my lips.

I'm now regretting not grabbing my backpack because I want to leave but all my things are in there. I sighed to myself and just stared blankly at the stall door ahead of me. I sat in there for who knows how long before I started to get more tired. It doesn't help the fact that I've eaten absolutely nothing today but I just don't have any appetite. I put my legs lightly on the ground and walked softly to the stall door. I unlocked the stall carefully and peaked my head out from it. I sighed in relief when I noticed no one in the bathroom so I shuffled towards the exit. I peeked my head out again and the hallways were empty. I walked out of the bathroom while covering my hands with my oversized sweater, giving me sweater paws and started walking in the direction to my classroom. I didn't even look at myself in the mirror but at this point it doesn't even matter. I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was nearly time for dismissal. I sighed and made my way back outside towards the field. Even if I had a breakdown today doesn't mean I don't want to practice more cheer routines. I plopped myself down on the bleachers and decided to wait for my friends.

*3rd person pov*
Mark, Jackson and the rest of the boys were anxious for the rest of the day. When they couldn't find Taehyung before lunch ended, everyone became worried. The final bell rang to signify the end of school making Mark and Jackson practically rush out of the classroom. They started running down the hallway when they heard someone call their names.

"MARK!! JACKSON!!" Someone from the other end of the hallway yelled.

They both turned around and noticed all 3 of their crushes running up to them. Mark and Jackson had to fight back a blush since they were more worried about Taehyung.

"We want to help you look for him" JB said not even sounding out of breath from running.

"Ok you can help us. He couldn't have left the school since I have his backpack so let's look together" Jackson said making all the boys nod in agreement.

"Where should we check first?" Namjoon asked while looking at Mark and Jackson.

Mark and Jackson thought for a moment before they both looked at each other and gasped.

"Follow us, we know where he should be!!" Mark said while taking off down the hallway.

Jackson was right behind him and the boys followed them, ignoring the younger high schoolers staring at them in confusion. They continued to run until they were back outside on the football field. They noticed that Jackson and Mark had stopped running so they stopped as well. Mark and Jackson were just looking at Taehyung leaning back on the bleachers with his eyes closed, basking in the sunlight. Taehyung didn't hear anyone so he opened his eyes and got off the bleachers. He started to walk around before he was tackled from behind. He landed on the ground with a wheeze and a whimper left his mouth. The weight from behind him heard the whimper that left his mouth and quickly got up. Taehyung turned around and noticed Jackson looking down at him in relief. Taehyung looked up at him and then looked to the side and saw a relived Mark coming up to them.

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