Chapter 48

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*Taehyung pov*
Today is a bittersweet day for me. Why you ask? It's my 18th birthday today. I'm very excited to turn 18 and to finally be an adult but it's not the same without my parents here. Now don't get me wrong, my parents are on your and I'm proud of them but we've always been together for my birthday so it feels a bit different this year. I FaceTimed them earlier for a whole hour and that made me feel better about them not physically being with me. Today was a Friday so I was getting ready for a day out. I don't regret waking up early because I got to talk to my parents but I know I'm gonna be a little sleepy for a while today. I yawned as I looked through my clothes for something to wear. Since it's winter, I want to wear something cute but also warm. I went to the section where my fall/winter clothes were and sifted through them before finding a cute outfit. I took off my towel and grabbed a pair of panties before getting dressed for the day. When I was done getting dressed, I grabbed some jewelry to put on before looking at myself in the mirror.

 When I was done getting dressed, I grabbed some jewelry to put on before looking at myself in the mirror

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(^his outfit)

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(^his outfit)

I smiled to myself before walking out of my closet and into my room. I made sure I had everything I needed for school before grabbing my purse and going to Yeontan's room. I opened the door and he was already up and drinking some water. When he heard the door open, he instantly abandoned the water and came running over to me. I chuckled at his eagerness and bent down the pet him for a little bit. I stood back up when I felt my knees starting to get sore and closed the door to his room.

"Come on Tannie, let's go get breakfast" I said before walking down the hallway.

Yeontan was running behind me as we made our way downstairs. When we made it downstairs, I set my bag on the sofa before going to feed Yeontan. He instantly dug into his food when I moved away making me laugh again at how eager he was. I decided today that I would go out to grab breakfast just as a little treat to myself so I waited until Yeontan was done. He finished not too long after and I went to go out him in his playpen. I said my goodbyes to him before grabbing my purse and walking out the door. I hummed to myself as I unlocked my car and hopped in. I started the car and instantly turned on the heat. I sat there for a few minutes to let my car warm up and to connect my phone to the car's bluetooth before pulling my car out of the driveway. I was driving carefully because it snowed a few days ago. Most of the snow melted but I just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't get into any accidents. I was singing along to the songs that played from my playlist. It took about 15 minutes to pull up to the place I wanted to get breakfast at and I got out excitedly. Me, Mark and Jackson has been to this place a few times and became good friends with the owner. She was in her late 20s and is married. She also has the cutest 1 year old son and I absolutely love him. I walked into the building being greeted by the smell of fresh coffee and sweet treats. I looked around and looked for a table since in this restaurant you could seat yourself. I chose one of my favorite seats by one of the big windows. It gave me a clear view of outside and I just loved to watch the different people as I ate. I was still looking out the window when I got a glimpse of red hair.

"Hmmm, that looks a lot like Mark.... wait that really is Mark" I muttered to myself as I leaned closer to the window to check.

He looked like he was getting out of a car and sure enough Jackson came out after him. I let out a mute gasp as I watched my best friends get out the car, giggling and talking with one another. I stared at them until they disappeared into a store, out of my sight. I let out a sigh as I looked down at the table, feeling dejected because I thought my friends would hang out with me for my birthday. Just then, a waitress came up to me and asked for my order I gave her a small smile as I ordered my usual, trying to forget the fact that I just saw my best friends hanging out without me. Strangely enough, I haven't heard from our 5 younger friends or from my boyfriends all day. None of them wished me a happy birthday except Soobin, Mark and Jackson. I bit my lip as I kept thinking about how the rest of my birthday would go but I snapped myself out of it with a deep breath.

"I'm 18 now, I should spend the day having fun" I said determined to not let my day go to shit.

I smiled to myself, a genuine smile as the waitress came over with my food. I thanked her and dug into my food, already planning out what other things I could do.

'Maybe I'll go shopping, get me some cute and sexy stuff to wear... maybe take myself to dinner?' I questioned as I sipped on my drink.

'Most definitely have to get my nails done before anything' I said as I looked at my nails.

It's been closer to 2 and a half weeks since I got them done so I can get them redone. I sped up with eating my food so that I could do all the things I wanted to do today. I finished my food and drink before paying and leaving a tip. I got into my car with a pep in my step and headed to the nail salon I usually go to.

"Operation birthday baddie is starting!!" I said to myself as I started my car and backed out of my parking space.

What I seemed to miss was the 3 sets of cars following behind me.

Hey guys!! I know it's been over a month since I updated but honestly, I was just stuck on what to write. Also this is the first time I'm writing in a computer so it the formatting looks a little different, sorry about that😅. I just wanna say thank you to all that have been waiting on updates and I'll try to update more. I'm starting college soon so hopefully I have a little more free time, it's just a little hectic right now. Thank you all again and I'll try and update my other stories throughout the week😘

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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