Chapter 37

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*3rd person pov*
Everyone was just sitting in the living room watching movies and just relaxing together. No one forgot about what happened earlier but when they looked at Taehyung he seemed fine. Taehyung felt better that they dropped the topic but he wasn't as happy as before. He sighed softly to himself before pulling out his phone. He wanted to get something sweet so he looked up the nearest bakery that was open at this time. It was 10pm but it wasn't too late. There was one that was 10 minutes away so he decided that he would go there. Taehyung stood up and stretched before walking over to put on his shoes. Everyone else was focused on the movie so he didn't want to bother anyone to go with him.

"Can I go with you?" A voice said behind Taehyung making Taehyung flinch in surprise.

He turned around to be met with a sheepish looking Soobin. He nodded his head with a smile and waited until Soobin put his shoes on. They snuck out of the house before quickly running over to Taehyung's car. Taehyung started the car before driving away. He decided that he wanted to sit in the park for a little while before picking up some desserts so he parked his car in the empty parking lot. There was no talking as they made their way towards the swings and sat down on them. They sat in a comfortable silence before Soobin decided to speak up.

"Why don't you want them to know?" Soobin asked while swinging back and forth.

Taehyung was silent for a few moments before looking up at the sky.

"They all worry for me a lot and I don't want to worry them anymore. I'm trying to show that I can protect myself and that they don't always have to drop everything for me. I feel bad when I come crying to them over something or if I get too emotional" Taehyung said truthfully as he looked up at the stars shining above his head.

Soobin pursed his lips before looking over at Taehyung.

"You know they only worry because they care right. If you don't have friends that worry for your well-being then those aren't friends at all" Soobin said making Taehyung look at him.

His eyes turned glassy as he took in the advice Soobin gave him. He was very mature for his age and Taehyung is thankful that he has someone else to talk about his feelings with. Taehyung nodded before releasing a relived sigh. He smiled softly at Soobin before looking back up at the stars.

"They haven't left me alone you know? They always push me in the hallways and leave the most hurtful notes in my locker everyday. It's tiring to have to deal with it everyday and not tell anyone but I don't want my friends or boyfriends to find out who is bullying me" Taehyung said making Soobin stay silent to listen.

"It's Jonkyu and his group isn't it?" Soobin asked making Taehyung whip his head over to look at him in shock.

His mouth was agape before shakily nodding his head. Soobin sighed as his fist clenched around the swing.

"It's always them" Soobin muttered loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

It was silent for a few moments before Soobin spoke up again.

"I know it's not my place to say but I believe you need to tell everyone as soon as possible. You need to tell them before it gets worse because it will" Soobin said seriously while looking Taehyung dead in the eyes.

Taehyung stared back as he took in the seriousness in his tone. He nodded his head making Soobin release a sigh of relief. They both stayed at the park longer than what they intended because now it was 12:23am. They both had many missed calls and messages from the boys back at home but that was something they would worry about later. The bakery Taehyung planned on going to closed an hour ago so he decided that they will just go to the store to get ingredients for cupcakes. The journey to the store was filled with laughs and singing loudly to songs that played on the radio. That's when they both found out that the other could sing really well. They finally made it to the grocery store and they were contemplating on which cake batter flavor they should get. They looked pretty silly standing there in onesies while having a crisis of which cake mix to get but they weren't too worried about that.

"We should most definitely get red velvet" Soobin said while picking up a box of red velvet cake mix.

"But I wanted chocolate" Taehyung said with a pout.

"They're the same flavor but different colors" Soobin deadpanned as he looked at the pouting senior in front of him.

"Let's just get both" Taehyung said excitedly as he grabbed more cake mix and frosting to go with it.

They also decided to experiment by making a strawberry lemon cake. They were going crazy by adding more snacks then what they came for into their cart but they didn't care. They were having fun and that's all that matters. Taehyung paid for the snacks despite Soobin's protest to pay and they were making their way back to Taehyung's home. Soobin got another FaceTime call from Yeonjun so he decided to answer it.

"Hello~" Soobin asked sweetly but almost dropped the phone when he heard yelling come from the other side.

Taehyung glanced over at Soobin before pulling over so that he could fully look at him.

"WHERE ARE YOU AND WHERE IS TAE?!" A voice yelled over the rest and it sounded like Jinyoung but who knows.

"Uh...." Soobin trailed off before looking over at Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he shrugged his shoulders frantically, shaking his head rapidly when Soobin tried to hand him his phone.

"DO YOU SEE WHAT TIME IT IS?! WE WERE WORRIED WHEN THE MOVIE ENDED AND WE COULDN'T FIND EITHER OF YOU!!" A voice that sounded like Jin screamed in the background.

Soobin and Taehyung shared a look before Soobin hung up the phone. Taehyung's eyes widened because he did not expect Soobin to do that.

"Why did you hang up?!" Taehyung whisper shouted as he looked at his younger friend.

"I don't know I panicked" Soobin said as he looked out the window with a pout.

Taehyung sighed before starting up the car to finish the drive back to his house.

'I don't know why but I feel like my ass is about to be in pain' Taehyung thought to himself before silently wincing.

Hey guys!! I don't know if you all celebrate Christmas but if you do, what is your favorite tradition? And it Christmas isn't your thing, do you celebrate the new year🥳? Oh!! I hope you all are enjoying the book😁

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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