Chapter 21

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*Taehyung pov*
I felt like I was starting to wake up because I could hear the sounds around me. I fluttered my eyes open before forcing them shut due to the bright light that shone on my face.

"Why is that light so fucking bright?" I muttered to myself while bringing my left hand up to my eyes.

"Hey Tae" a familiar voice said making me snap my eyes open.

I looked over to the side to be met with my dad staring back at me.

"Dad? I thought you and mom were on a tour" I said in confusion but also excited that he was here.

"Yes and we still are but when I got a call from the hospital saying you were in here, I caught the first plane back. I can't stay for long but I had to come check on my baby tiger" my dad said while rubbing my cheek gently.

I pouted at him before my eyes teared up. He instantly got out of his seat and sat on the bed next to me.

"Daddy..." I said to him and he looked alarmed since I rarely call him that anymore.

He pulled me gently into a hug and that's when I let my tears fall. I was thinking back to what happened before I passed out and I was so scared that I didn't have anyone that witnessed what happened.

"Baby... can you tell me why you're here?" My dad asked gently while combing his fingers through my hair.

I nodded and proceeded to tell him what happened at home. His grip on me tightened a little and he waited on me to finish before he started speaking again.

"I can't believe someone would do that to you. Luckily we have cameras in the front so I'll look over them and get him arrested. Don't worry about anything okay cub?" My dad asked making me nod.

I pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears away. He then asked a question that made me sort of panic.

"Now I know who Mark and Jackson are but who are those other 8 boys that I walked pass in the hallway. They looked like they saw a ghost when I passed them" my dad said making me giggle at him.

"You do know that you're famous right?" I asked trying to hold in my giggles.

"Oh yeah..." my dad said making me burst out into laughter.

"But who are they?" He asked again.

"Well 2 of them are Mark and Jackson's boyfriends while the other 6 are mine" I said with a shrug.

He looked at me silently with his mouth parted. I raised a brow at him but before he could say anything, the nurse came into the room.

"Hey, I was just coming by to ask you to sign these release forms and then you guys are good to go" the nurse said while giving the papers and a pen to my dad.

He signed the papers and we both bowed respectively at the nurse. Once she left, I swung my legs on the side of the bed and put on my slippers that happened to be there. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noticed a bandage wrapped around my nose but I wasn't in as much pain as earlier. Before I could even walk out of the door, my dad scooped me up and forced me on his hip. I whined in protest but didn't make any moves to get  down. We walked down the hallways, ignoring the curious stares of everyone and made it into the lobby. There I saw Mark and Jackson spring out of their seats but the other 8 boys remained frozen.

"Dad meet my boyfriends" I said softly while pointing to the 6 football players and stating their names.

My dad nodded and we both walked over to them.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Taehyung's dad and you are his boyfriends correct?" My dad asked while looking over all of them.

They looked back and forth between me and my dad with wide eyes and gaping mouths. Namjoon decided to speak up first.

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