Chapter 25

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*Taehyung pov*
I felt like I have been driving for a while but I just felt sad and driving like this is helping me calm down. I made sure that I knew where I was going so that I wouldn't get lost since I left my phone at my house.

"I shouldn't have walked out like that" I muttered to myself while pulling into a gas station.

Luckily I had a backup card in my car so I wouldn't suffer if I left the house without any of my belongings. I slid my card into the gas pump before pumping the gas into my car. I leaned against my car while looking up at the sky. It seems that it was going to rain because it turned dark pretty quickly. When my gas was done, I took the pump out and hopped back into my car. I drove back in the direction that I came from so that I could be closer to my house if I stopped again. I found a park that was 20 minutes away from my house and decided to hop out. No one was there at the moment since it looked like it was going to rain but I didn't care. I sat down on one of the swings and just looked down at my slippers. I smiled at them before looking up at the sky with my eyes closed. Then I felt the first drop of rain land on my face. Then another and another before it started pouring down raining. I still sat on the swing and let the rain pour down on me, drenching me in water in a matter of seconds. I let out a sigh while swinging my legs a little bit. I was using this alone time to just think of everything that's happened in the past week. I've never been so challenged before but I knew I was stronger than that. I have myself a mini pep talk before smiling to myself. I got off the swing and jogged over to my car. I giggled a little bit at the fact that I'm completely drenched but I knew that everyone else would probably be mad that I left. I checked the time on my car radio and it read 1:09pm. I winced at the thought of facing my friends and boyfriends but it was unavoidable. I drove back home with a slight smile on my face since I felt way better than before.

*Time skip*
I pulled up to my house and parked my car in the driveway. I could see the lights on in the living room and closed my eyes as I prepared myself to go into my house. I sighed to myself for the nth time that day before hopping out of my car. It was still pouring down raining so my slippers and body were very wet. I slowly walked over to my door and breathed out a shaky breath. I'm just now realizing how cold I am but I didn't feel myself shivering until now. I slowly unlocked my door and tip toed inside. I could hear taking come from the living room so I'm glad they couldn't hear my teeth chattering together. I closed the door behind me and locked it before slowly making my way towards the stairs. My arms were wrapped around my body tightly as I tried to get some body heat but it was useless. I kept shuffling towards the stairs, hearing how my slippers were making noises from how wet they were so I just kicked them off and pushed them over to the side so no one would step on them. My teeth were chattering harder so I knew I had to hurry and get these clothes off of me before I actually catch a cold. I made it past the entry of the living room and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I was making my way upstairs when I stubbed my toe really hard on the bottom stair. Before I could even hold it in, I let out a whimper with a few tears streaming down my face from the pain.

"Did you hear that?" I heard someone in the living room ask.

When I heard shuffling in the living room, I wasted no time flinging myself up the stairs. I got to the top and tripped on the stair but I caught myself on the wall before I fell. My heart was beating wildly in my chest because I was trying so hard not to be seen.

"Tae?" I heard someone ask.

I froze at the top of the stairs, still shivering in my wet clothes and bit my lip out of nerves. I heard 2 sets of footsteps coming up the stairs but I was too nervous to turn around. I smelt the familiar scent of my friends perfume and relaxed a little. I turned towards them and gave a sheepish smile but my lips were trembling.

"H-hey g-guys" I said with chattering teeth.

"Tae... did you sit out in the rain?" Mark asked sternly while placing his hands on his hips.

My bottom lip jutted out as my eyes started to water as I nodded my head.Mark's stern face instantly melted as he saw I was about to cry.

"D-don't cry Tae. We were just worried" Mark rushed out to say making my eyes tear up more.

They tried to walk towards me but I backed away. I looked at the bottom of the stairs and whimpered when I noticed the 8 boys staring up at me in concern. I shook my head and continued to back away to my room.

"I-I can't keep worrying people" I said lowly while looking at my 2 best friends.

They had a knowing glint in their eyes because their sentences became more frantic.

"Taehyung listen to me" Jackson said making me look at him since he rarely calls me by my full name.

"We worry about you because we care about you. We all want to make sure you're okay and if that means we worry sick until we find you again than so be it" Jackson said with his eyes tearing up.

I stopped walking backwards and looked at my 2 friends. I was still shivering and thinking about what they said.

'They just want to help Taehyung. Let them in, all of them' a voice at the back of my head said.

I nodded to myself and looked back down the stairs at the rest of the boys. I pointed at Namjoon and everyone looked back at him. I motioned with my hand for him to come upstairs and I tilted my head in the direction of my room. I turned back to my friends and gave them a genuine smile.

"I won't do anything stupid but just in case, Namjoon will be with me" I said making them release a breathe of relief.

"Just know that we love you okay?" My friends asked while walking over to me.

"I love you guys too" I said with a smile.

They both kissed my cheeks before making their way towards the stairs. They waited until Namjoon came upstairs before going back down to everyone else. Namjoon quickly came over to me and engulfed me into a hug before I could warm him I'm drenched but he didn't seem to care anyway. I just melted into the hug and smiled. He picked me up by the back of my thighs and carried me into my room. He locked the door behind him before carrying us over to the bathroom.

"Let me help you princess" Namjoon said while sitting me on the toilet seat.

I nodded and lifted my arms so he could take my shirt off. I noticed how his eyes lingered on my body for a while but I didn't say anything. His gaze on me made me feel pretty. He then reached down to my pants and these were harder to remove since they were sticking onto me like a second skin but we got them off. Now I was left in my panties and he looked reluctant to remove them. I lifted my legs up and looked at him. He got the message because he took my panties off. I wasn't uncomfortable sitting naked in front of my boyfriends but the way Namjoon was staring at me was staring to get me horny. He looked away and started setting a bath for me. He made sure the water was warm enough before adding in some apple cinnamon scented bubbles into the water. When the water was done, he picked me up and held me by my ass to carry me over to the bathtub. I bit my lip because his hands on my ass felt too good to me right now. He gently lowered me into the bathtub and I sighed in relief. He smiled down at me and started walking towards the door. I whined and he turned back around.

"What's wrong baby?" Namjoon asked concerned while kneeling next to the bathtub.

"Join me please" I whined while staring into his eyes.

We both stared at each other for a moment before he stood back up. He removed his shirt and I couldn't help but stare at his upper body. His muscles were subconsciously flexing and my imagination was taking me somewhere it shouldn't be going to at the moment. He then removed his sweats and underwear. My eyes were just glued to his member.

"So big..." I muttered to myself but Namjoon heard me because he chuckled.

I blushed in embarrassment and looked away from him. I scooted up a bit so that he could sit behind me and I waited until he relaxed before I leaned back into him. I released another sigh of content before enjoying this time with Namjoon.

Hey guys!! I hope you all are enjoying the story so far and I've seen all your suggestions from the last chapter or two and will make sure to incorporate all your ideas☺️

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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