Chapter 8

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*3rd person pov*
It was the end of the school day and the 3 best friends were walking down the hallway together.

"Hey guys?" Taehyung asked gaining the attention of his friends.

They both looked at him as a sign to continue.

"Can we go to the mall? I really want to know the tea between you and your crushes" Taehyung said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah that sounds good" Jackson said with a nod.

Mark just nodded silently and Taehyung smiled at the both of them. They all linked arms and continued walking down the hallway, oblivious to the stares they were getting from the rest of the students. They finally made it outside and were walking to Taehyung's car when they were stopped by a familiar voice.

"TAEHYUNG!!" Someone screamed making all 3 boys freeze in their spots.

Taehyung looked at his 2 friends before turning them around with him. All of their eyes slightly widened when all of their crushes came running towards them. Taehyung looked down at the ground, suddenly finding his shoes interesting. The other 2 boys were blushing madly, staring at the 8 of them with wide eyes. The 8 boys stopped in front of them and just stared. Taehyung noticed the silence and looked up. He noticed that everyone was just staring at each other and decided to cough to break the silence. All eyes snapped to him but he didn't say anything. It was starting to get awkward and Taehyung couldn't stand it anymore.

"So.... what's up?" Taehyung asked while raising his eyebrow at the 8 boys.

"Oh yeah... we were wondering if you 3 wanted to hang out with us?" Jinyoung asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

The 8 boys stared intensely at the 3 cheerleaders and the cheerleaders felt butterflies in their stomachs.

"Where?" Jackson asked timidly while playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Uh... wherever you all want to go" JB said looking at all 3 of them but letting his eyes linger on Jackson.

Jackson looked away shyly and turned to his 2 friends.

"Give us a moment" Mark said while making his friends huddle in a circle.

"Ok we could still go to the mall and we can give you the brief tea about what happened this morning" Mark whispered making the 2 boys nod in agreement.

"Is it weird that I'm overly excited!?" Jackson squealed a little too loudly making Mark and Taehyung giggled.

"No it's ok. I'm excited too!!" Taehyung said excitedly while bouncing in his spot.

"Ok so we have a plan?" Mark said while raising his eyebrow in question.

The other 2 boys nodded and they all giggled with each other. Once they broke the mini circle apart, they cleared their throats and pretended that they weren't just giggling like high school girls.

"Ok we know where we want to go" Jackson said while looking at all the boys.

"Ok where are we going?" Hoseok asked while looking at the 3 cheerleaders.

"Well....we were already going to the mall so is it ok if we hang out there?" Mark asked softly while looking at them shyly.

Jinyoung had to hold back the urge to coo at him so he just smiled fondly at him.

"Yeah that's fine. So we'll meet you there?" Jimin asked, letting his eyes linger on Taehyung.

The 3 boys just nodded. The 8 boys smiled at how cute their crushes were and started walking to their cars. Taehyung, Mark and Jackson continued walking to Taehyung's car in silence. Once they got in, they sat in silence for a moment before they started squealing loudly. They didn't really notice the looks of the students hanging out outside were giving them. They also didn't notice the fond smiles their crushes were giving them either.

*Taehyung pov*
After we squealed at each other for a few minutes, I finally pulled out of the school parking lot and made my way towards the mall. We were all talking to each other and I decided to ask a question.

"So what happened this morning?" I asked making the car go silent.

I glanced at Jackson in the passenger seat and noticed the blush on his face. I didn't have to look at Mark to know that he's blushing too.

"How about you start Mark?" I asked while keeping my eyes on the road.

It was silent for a few moments before Mark started speaking up.

"W-well, Jinyoung gave me his number and told me to text him. He also said that he wants to get to know me more" Mark said softly.

I held back a smile while biting my lip and looked at Jackson through the corner of my eye. Just as he was about to start speaking, I pulled into the mall parking lot. I quickly found a parking space and turned to Jackson expectantly. His blush only became darker but I waited patiently for him to start speaking.

"JB also gave me his number and he flirted with me before classes started" Jackson said while looking down at his lap shyly.

This time, I couldn't hold back the smile that I was trying to fight back. I clapped my hands excitedly and giggled softly.

"I'm glad things are going well with your crushes" I said happily while looking back and forth between Mark and Jackson.

They looked up at me with a shy smile but Mark's smile soon turned into a pout.

"What about you? How are you feeling?" Mark asked me softly while leaning up to grab my arm gently.

My smile soon left my face and I pouted softly. I just shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my lap.

"Hey it's okay Tae. I'm pretty sure all will go well" Mark said softly.

"Yeah. I see the way they look at you when you don't notice and it's honestly really cute" Jackson said making me look up with a small amount of hope in my eyes.

"Really?" I asked softly while looking at the both of them.

They both nodded and I let a small smile take over my face. They smiled with me and I giggled.

"Okay, enough with this sentimental stuff. Let's go spend our money buying a lot of shit" Jackson said while hopping out of my car.

Me and Mark giggled before hopping out of the car behind him. We all grabbed the things we'll need and I locked my car. We all grabbed each other's hands and looked at each other with encouraging smiles. After that, we all nodded to each other and walked into the mall happily.

Hey guys!! I hope you all are enjoying the book so far. I'm trying to try out different story ideas so that you all don't get bored too quickly. If you have any ideas for any of my future books, don't be afraid to comment it so that I can respond to you😁

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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