Chapter 43

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*Taehyung pov*
I woke up with a groan slipping past my lips because of the pain in my ass and lower back. Jimin woke me up at like 1 in the morning and fucked me for 2 hours... 2 HOURS!! I can't say anything though because I kept begging him for more but still. I pouted as I looked up at the ceiling before turning to Jimin's sleeping figure. He was sleeping soundly and I smiled at that before lifting my foot and kicking him off the bed. He fell to the ground with a loud thud before a sleepy groan slipped past his lips. I propped myself up on my elbow and waited until I saw his head pop up from the ground. He looked at me with a sleepy face and I just smiled innocently at him.

"Why Tae?" Jimin asked in his raspy morning voice making me bite my lip.

"The pain you feel right now is nothing compared to what my ass and back feels like" I said sassily as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Baby, you know I would take care of you because I know I was kind of rough" he said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Kind of?" I scoffed while rolling my eyes again.

"I can't feel my legs Jimin, I think you went a lot more than 'kind of' rough" I said sarcastically as I rolled over to my back, wincing at the pain.

I heard shuffling before he was standing in front of me with all his naked glory. I looked his body up and down before looking back up at his eyes. He looked guilty which was good but I did have pity on him. I sighed as I reached my arms up to be picked up. He complied as he gently lifted me out of bed and carried me to my bathroom.

"I'll set a bath for you baby" Jimin said as he set me on the bathroom sink.

I nodded at him with a small smile and watched as he set a bath for me. He grabbed my favorite bubbles that were sitting to the side and poured a generous amount. When the bath was done filling, he set me into the bathtub first before climbing in after me. I instantly leaned into his body and let out a sigh of relief as the hot water was helping to relax my muscles a bit. I felt his hands trail down my body before stopping at my lower back. Before I could ask what he was doing, he started massaging my back making me let out a groan at the feeling.

"Fuck~" I groaned with my voice coming out deeper than normal.

Jimin chuckled at my reaction as he kept massaging my lower back. I felt my muscles relaxing even more and Jimin knew since I was slumping against him way more than I was before. He massaged my back for a while before stopping to pick up my body wash and loofah. He was really gentle as he washed my body and that made me smile sleepily at him. I turned my head and pecked his lips a few times before slumping back against his body. Once he was done, I could feel his arms moving so I assumed he was washing himself. We sat in the bathtub for a little while longer before Jimin was draining the water and pulling himself out. I watched as he dried his body and wrapped a towel around his waist before grabbing another one.

"Come on baby" Jimin muttered before picking me up out of the bathtub.

I felt my feet hit the floor and I gripped on Jimin to support myself because my legs were a little shaky. He dried my body off before wrapping the towel around me, back hugging me when we were done. We waddled over to the sink and I gave him a spare toothbrush while I grabbed mine. We brushed our teeth while Jimin still hadn't let go of me but I just smiled at him through the mirror. Once we were done, we left my bathroom and went into my closet since he didn't want to let go of me. I picked out a comfortable outfit, having to bribe Jimin with kisses in order to be released from his hold but he finally let go a few minutes later. He stood near, assisting me with getting dressed since I was a little wobbly on my feet. I gave him a thankful smile as I slowly slipped on my clothes.

 I gave him a thankful smile as I slowly slipped on my clothes

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(^his outfit)

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair before stretching my body, getting slightly concerned at how many things cracked at once. I shooed Jimin off to go get clothes since I  didn't want him to get sick from being naked for so long. Jimin left me with reluctance but a few kisses convinced him to finally go get some clothes. Once I heard his feet pattering down the stairs, I left my room and went to Yeontan's. I opened the door to find him drinking some water but he instantly perked up when he heard my footsteps. He ran over to me happily and I giggled as I carefully bent down to grab him. I made sure he was secure in my arms before I left the room,  carefully making my way downstairs before going over to the living room and sitting Yeontan in my lap. He instantly rolled over to his back, silently demanding tummy rubs and I complied instantly. His face looked content as I kept rubbing his tummy and I couldn't help but to coo.

"You're so cute Tannie" I said fondly as I went to scratch behind his ears.

He yipped at me before relaxing in my lap. Soon I saw that he went to sleep in my lap, making me laugh fondly.

"You can sleep anywhere" I said as I carefully removed him from my lap but he didn't even open his eyes.

I shook my head with a smile as I started to push myself off the sofa. I walked into the kitchen and that's when I started questioning where everyone was at. It was silent which is normal for a morning but it was too silent. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts as I rummaged through the fridge, my eyes lighting up when I found cantaloupe and strawberries in a container. I took it out of the fridge and lifted the lid before sniffing it to make sure it smelled right. Once I deemed it safe, I popped a cantaloupe in my mouth. I chewed on it happily as I plopped more fruit into my mouth and soon more than half the bowl was gone before I got full. I nodded at myself proudly and stuck the fruit back into the fridge. There was still no signs of my friends or boyfriends but I just shrugged it off.

"Well I rarely get time to myself so let's go out somewhere" I muttered to myself as I went to go grab my purse and phone.

Once I had everything, I walked out of the door and to my car. I set my things in the passenger seat and started my car. I buckled my seat belt and backed out of the drive way, driving down the street and further away from my house.

Hey guys!! I wanted to get this update out to you all before I went to sleep since it's been a while since I updated but hope you enjoy😁

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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