Chapter 20

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Pov: Chu Scarlett

I was putting on my combat shoes and getting ready to leave the dorms, when I heard some shuffling in Chan's room.

What's he doing in there?

His door finally clicked open, and he came out running while still putting on his sweater. "Good, I didn't miss your departure."

"It's 5:30 am, Chris. You could have slept for a bit longer."

"I just came to wish you luck for your fight today. Don't die." He smiled, holding a thumb up.

"If I do die, I want my last words for you to be~" I tapped my chin. "You're wearing your sweater inside out. Goodbye."

I was about to leave when he took hold of my sleeve. "Try again. What kind of last words were those?"

"Ones that came straight from my heart. Go to sleep. I'll be back before you know it."

He rolled his eyes and let go. "Scarlett, if you really die, I'm going to tell everyone that your last words were a confession."

When I'm dead, you won't be the one making things up.

"Good luck trying to get people to believe that, Christopher."

"Chris," he contended.

"Bang Christopher Chan." I stuck my tongue out and earned a dozy smile from him.

Entering the elevator, I hummed to myself. What would my last words be?

I don't really have much to say, Chan. Just eat well, sleep more, keep smiling like you always do.

Stay safe.

When I finally got to the lobby, Olive greeted me with our humiliating handshake he wouldn't back down on. We marched to the trucks together, and hopped in.

Changbin was right; the rainstorm is getting more intense by the minute.

"Scarlett, you look troubled. Are you sure you're up to this? I feel like you're forcing yourself to come," Olive said.

"Stop worrying, will you? Where are agents Pak and Venus?"

"Each leader is taking their own truck with their team. Welcome to mine. Please never leave my sight today. I need to make sure you're safe."

"Whatever. I miss fighting alongside you anyway," I commented.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent. The agents murmured about their plans while I stayed in my own world, watching the rain outside and pondering about how I could possibly fight if the storm got more serious.

I wonder how Lily's conference is going.

"We're here," Olive breathed as he jumped off the truck, helping me down after him. We approached the two-story building and waited till agent Pak's team cleaned off the security.

We're in the middle of an uninhabited forest again. Anyone else noticing the reoccurring theme here?

"Agent Venus' team will take care of the first floor while Agent Pak's and mine will find our ways upstairs. Let's go," Olive spoke through the earpiece.

I followed him into the building, where I already saw unconscious Black Galaxies on the floor. We trudged into the numerous rooms, and found very few enemies scattered around.

It seems that there's not much to do here. We can leave things in agent Venus' care.

As was decided, she took lead while Olive and I escaped to the second floor with our teammates close behind.

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