Chapter 34

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Pov: Chu Scarlett

Jisung was sitting on the sofa, his arms hugging his legs to his chest. Even though the lights were on, the corner he occupied looked outstandingly dark as his face had 'stress' written all over it. His head was laying on his knees while his eyes focused on the floor tiles. Nevertheless, I had an irrefutable desire to ignore him.

I've never been good at supporting people, even more so now that I'm barely supporting my own weight.

I took two steps back but ended up with another three forward. His features are too melancholic to simply brush off..

How do I talk to him without startling him?


Too late.

"Oh! Agent Scarlett.. I thought it was one of those black wearing galaxy guys again." His eyes went wide and he held on to his chest. "Ah, my heart is beating so fast." He slumped back onto the sofa.

This is where you apologize, Scar.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

That is not how you apologize, Scar.
You're wearing all black. He's obviously going to mistake you for the enemy.

He didn't answer me. This dude finds me intimidating too, doesn't he? He looks pretty distraught.

"Are you okay? Why are you up this late? According to your schedule, you'll be 'waking up' in two hours," I softened my previous question. He didn't answer, so I took a quick trip to the kitchen and brought two glasses of water, handing one of them to him. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me. You don't know me, after all."

I sat next to him in silence, and he finally looked at me with a wistful smile, thanking me for the water. "Hang on," I said, running back to my room.

I should really stop my habit of running around. The world shouldn't be spinning this much..
I mean, it should be spinning, but I shouldn't be aware of it.

My eyes roamed my room. He's an idol, so giving him food wouldn't help. He probably doesn't eat at such ungodly hours. I'll just create a Han burrito and he'll be as good as new. Right?

The papers that needed my signature booed at me as I bundled up all of my blankets and took out my phone, researching 'how to comfort someone' and getting even more confused by the conflicting results.

Here goes nothing.

I rushed towards Jisung and covered him with everything I'd brought. He almost fell off the sofa at my sudden movements. "Woah, woah, woah!"

No, he actually did fall.


I jumped back in surprise when I heard him laugh and free himself from the pile of blankets. "What are you doing?" he cackled.

"Comforting you, obviously." I gave him my hand and pulled him onto the couch again, sitting next to him. "How about I talk about myself first? Then we won't be strangers anymore. Maybe you'll feel more comfortable around me?"

He smiled at my weird logic, but let me go on. "Hmmm, so you already know that I'm called Chu Scarlett. I was born in America.." I think.. "I have been home schooled, and my hobby is working out.. Is that enough? No?"

Good job, Scarlett. You two are practically best friends now.

"Are you comfortable with your stay with us? You suddenly had to live with eight strangers. Aren't you uncomfortable with the people around you?" he asked, barely smiling at my previous comment.

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