Chapter 11

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Pov: Chu Scarlett

It's been a week.

A whole week.

Our hostage had barely eaten or drunk anything. She refused to talk no matter what we did to her.

All I asked was for her to tell me where the enemy's base was, and she'd be free to go. She only had one answer though.

'I don't know either.'


I was in my room at noon, trying to get some much deserved rest when I heard a knock on my door and answered it.

"Um, Hey... I was wondering if you could maybe let me see the girl you're holding captive?"

"Your innocent eyes won't be able to handle such an ugly sight, Hyunjin."


"Scarlett! The girl said she's finally willing to speak. She wants to see you! Please come with me," Minji exclaimed while running inside.

This wad unexpected. She did hold on for a whole week, so I guess it finally took its toll on her. I made my way downstairs as I felt the presence of a particular idol behind me.

Opening the door to the janitor's room, I looked back at Hyunjin. "I'm not stopping you from coming in, but you've been warned."

I let him enter before me.

He covered his face the second the stench of blood made contact with his nose.

Ahh.. To be innocent.

My nose has long developed an immunity to it.

I watched as the pure soul made his way into the room. He looked around in horror, and his eyes doubled in size when they landed on the hooded girl laying on the ground, barely moving.

I mean we had just beaten her up a little. This guy had no idea how merciful we were being compared to what a Black Galaxy would have done in this situation.

All her limbs were still in tact, she wasn't missing any body parts, and if treated properly, she could fully recover in like.. two weeks? Maybe a bit more?

She could die for all I care though.

"So you finally decided to grace us with your voice?" I snorted while nudging her with my foot.

"As I told you before.. I don't.. know where the real base is. Not just anyone.. can.. know about headquarters." She coughed up the blood that had accumulated from the cuts in her mouth. Her words were slow and tired, stopping from time to time to breathe through the aches.

Her mumbling is getting on my nerves.

I approached her and snatched the hood off her head. Her auburn, shoulder length hair came into view once again. Every time we'd leave her alone, she'd cover herself up again, crawling into the corner of the room.

I then did what she detested the most.
I revealed her face.

"GIVE ME BACK MY MAAASK!!!" I was convinced that this girl had some emotional attachment to this thing. She started screaming like a lunatic every time her face was in full view.

I looked over at the frozen statue behind me and he looked unbelievably concerned about her.

Is he on the verge of tears?

"W-why is she shouting like that?"

"She wants this thing back~" I twirled the mask on my finger.

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