Chapter 67

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Pov: Chu Scarlett

He unlocked the front door, waiting for me to enter. Without wasting time, I hurried in, throwing off my heels while my exhilarated eyes roamed all over the room.

I didn't need any slippers since the ground was spotless. He probably had maids working for him, but they weren't around at such hours.

I first walked straight into the humongous living room. The design was classy, the room coated in white and grey. Olivier leaned on the wall and crossed his arms, watching me assess everything.

I ran to the other rooms, checking them out one by one. They were mostly sitting rooms and bathrooms. His kitchen, though, was a whole other story. You could tell a chef's son lived here just by the utensils. It looked like one of the kitchens from my hotels.

He trudged up the stairs and I took that as permission to follow him and evaluate the other rooms.

Now, upstairs was fun!

He had a room for movies first, then an empty bedroom for guests, then a gym like mine, and a room that was illuminated by neon lights which, by far, was my favorite. Next to the bar and stools in there, he had a huge billiards board and an air hockey table.

I want to drink here rather than the casino..

I eventually forced myself out, checking the next room which turned out to be a small library filled with books hanging on cream colored shelves. There was a huge window in the center of the wall with a window seat. He probably lay down on that soft mattress, covered by fluffy pillows while the rays of sun warmed up his soul, letting him dive into the entrancing world of a book.

Right now though, the stars were twinkling brightly, reminding me that it was past four in the morning.

After leaving, I visited the most complicated room of all time. It was a mixture of a nerd's computer hoarding and a gamer's love for gadgets. This was probably where he spent his time gaming and hacking shit I couldn't understand.

Next, I looked around the long hallway, forgetting which rooms I'd checked and which I hadn't.

I think I'm lost.

"Olive!" I shouted, looking around, "Where are you?!"

"In here," he called from not too far away and I followed his voice. I walked into his simple yet stylish bedroom, the general colors being grey and white again. He had a king-sized bed in the middle and a futuristic looking lamp with a zigzag stand. There was a long desk covering the entire left wall with decorations on top. It was cool and all, but the only thing I could focus on was that one frame he had turned over at the very end. I had seen it back when I'd visited his room in France too.

He was still in the bathroom, so I skipped to the photo, fixing it back up to see the picture of him with his brother, both smiling at the camera while gesturing peace signs with their hands. They were wearing muddy uniforms on a football field, his older brother's hand draped over his shoulder.

He doesn't like being reminded of it yet he keeps the frame.. facing it downwards so he can't see it.

This gigantic house suddenly feels as lonely as mine.

He sped out of his bathroom with a first aid kit in his hands. He had taken his tie off and undone a few buttons of his shirt, looking a lot more fresh and Olivy than before. "Finally found it. Bet you forgot you were here for your scrape-"

His eyes landed on the frame in my hands and he cocked his head, giving me a small dimpled smile. "Idiot. You just have to find that thing every time you come over, don't you?" He ruffled my already messed up hair. "I understand why your dress is torn, but why is your hair all over the place?" he asked, taking the frame out of my hand and putting it back the way it was, "Go wash your arm."

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