"Why is it that only you need bodyguards? Why none of the other members? "
"Let's just say.. I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time."
Chu Scarlett. The independant, cold, and clever secret agent.
Bang Christopher Chan. The korean idol whose li...
My eyes fluttered open as a sweet smell of coffee filled up my senses. Yesterday's events dawned on me when I realized I wasn't in my bed.
Lily must be up making breakfast.
After a quick trip to the bathroom, I made my way to the kitchen and saw her preparing a variety of toasts, jams, and honey. Once she was satisfied with her work, she sat down on a stool and took a sip of her latte. Her taste in breakfast was as French as ever.
"This sunshine woke up early to make you breakfast!" she beamed. It was cute, but I wasn't about to admit it.
"I'll be wearing my sunglasses then," I grunted.
By the time I was done with my orange juice, she was still rambling on about something along the lines of me not appreciating the blessing that she allegedly was.
She finally left for her job, and I had to start preparing for what I've been fretting the whole morning: the mission.
I climbed the stairs and entered my room, followed by my closet. Choosing what to wear wouldn't take much time since almost every piece of clothing I owned was black.
It was nearing October, so I looked through the stash of clothes that were suitable for fall.
It is pretty cold, even though it's sunny outside.
This mission is more of an undercover one so I won't be wearing my usual agents' uniform. I just know I'll already be attracting enough attention simply by following Christopher around.
After leaving my closet, completely covered in black from head to toe, I turned to the mirror and took out my make-up kits.
I don't remember the last time I've felt the need to use these.
I already had a clear complexion, so I didn't apply any products on my skin. I was satisfied with a winged liner, some mascara, and my signature dark red lipstick.
... On second thought, maybe I should conceal those black under eyes too.
I was done with my make-up when I let my long, black hair flow down in waves, slowly brushing through its strands. It was calming, considering the fact that I was low-key anxious about what was to come.
I put a simple pendant around my neck, attempting to switch it with the locket that never left my sight. Yet, as soon as it let go of my skin, I could already feel the loss of warmth in my chest. I just had to wear it again, so I decided to keep it on as well. Only this one would go underneath my turtleneck.
It gives me a false sense of security.
I put a leather jacket on, along with some sunglasses to block Lily out, as promised. Then I swung a Saint Laurent bag on my shoulder, which carried my hand gun, knife, taser, hair clips, wallet and a couple of my other necessities.
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