Chapter 59

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Pov: Hwang Hyunjin

"Hyunjin?! Are you okay?! Why are you crying?!" Isabelle exclaimed, running into my room as soon as she saw the state I was in. She took off her cardigan and sat next to me.

"I'm okay," I whimpered, hiding my face and wiping my eyes

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"I'm okay," I whimpered, hiding my face and wiping my eyes.

"No you're not! What's going on? Did something terrible happen to someone? Did you read a rude comment on the internet? Tell me!"

"No, none of that. Calm down."

"I can't calm down! You're crying!" she shouted, making me run to my door and close it. I didn't need my parents getting worried over something so trivial. They were back from work and watching a movie together tonight.

"If I tell you what it is, you're going to think I'm pathetic!" I said, ashamed of being caught like this.

"Don't give me the 'boys don't cry' bullcrap." She crawled up my bed, handing me a tissue.

"Someone died in the kdrama I was watching," I said, sniffing and laughing at the same time.

"Must've been a very emotional one, huh? Give me recommendations so I can watch them too." She smiled, kissing me right next to my eye. "Don't cry, Hyunjinnie~"

"I'm surprised you didn't think someone attacked me," I said, finally calming down and leaving my phone aside. I would watch the thing later.

"This whole program was pretty useless. A whole week has gone by and none of the idols were attacked," she stated, sprawled out on my bed and staring at a book she took off my shelf.

"Better safe than sorry." I lay down next to her and studied the book she had chosen, "So you like the romance genre."

She kept checking out my books and giving me her own recommendations. Being with her every single day felt incredibly natural. I didn't know how I'd go back to my normal routine in another week.

"So what are your plans for tomorrow?" she asked her usual question. It meant the time had come for her to leave to her hotel. She sat up and crossed her legs, playing with my pillow.

"I love going to water parks during vacation, so I thought I'd spend the day there. Some of my friends invited me," I said, noticing how her fingers stopped moving and the pillow inclined forward.

"Is something the matter, Snow?" I asked, taking the pillow from her.

"I'll send someone else to go with you tomorrow. I won't be able to make it," she said. It sounded convincing. I'd believe her if she hadn't asked where I was going so enthusiastically a minute ago.

"You don't have to wear a swimsuit if that's what's bothering you. You can watch from the sides," I said, untying her hair.

"You always do that!" she laughed, pushing me away.

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