Chapter 13

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Pov: Hwang Hyunjin

After Olivier pulled Scarlett out of her room, I was left alone with Han and Seungmin. They were both worried about the victim ever since I narrated what I'd seen in the janitor's room.

For some reason, I didn't think that she was lying.

I believed her.

She looked so desperate to save the person she loved.

We heard some light footsteps as the girl finally entered the room. She was wearing an oversized hoodie with a skirt underneath. It was cute... And not black... Definitely not Scarlett's.

She's walking so carefully

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She's walking so carefully. Her whole body must be in excruciating pain.

Seungmin instinctively ran up to her, but she gestured for him to not approach her. Plopping down on her bed, she curiously looked up from under her mask, "And you are?"

"Kim Seungmin, and these are Jisung and Hyunjin. The guy you came searching for is the leader of our group, Bang Chan."

Her eyes passed on to Han, and then to me. "Ouhhh, pretty boy is here~" she smirked.


"You're that guy from before."

Ah, so she remembers me from the.. um... Interrogation room?

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin," I corrected her.

"How old are you?" Han chimed in.

"Eighteen. Nineteen in korean age."

Two years younger than me.

"Where are you from?" Seungmin asked. She was a foreigner, even though her Korean was impressive.

"I'm american, but I've lived in Korea for most of my life. Boys.. Is this like, interrogation round two?" she asked.

"Oh, we're extremely sorry. We were just too curious," Han panicked, hauling us out of the room.

"Wait, pretty boy!"

That wasn't my name, but I found myself stopping in my tracks and looking back at her anyway. The others took their leave while I made myself comfortable on the chair next to her bed. "Yes?"

"Stay for a bit."

My break is almost over. I need to get back to practice..

"Is something the matter, Isabelle?"

"I had something to ask.." She shifted her gaze to her restless fingers, "Was it you? Were you the one who changed Scarlett's mind?"

"No. One person alone can't possibly change her mind." I shrugged.

As far as I've seen, Scarlett doesn't take her feelings into consideration when it comes to making decisions. She's too rational for her own good; however, that could be why she was chosen as leader.

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