❌ #17| A Bird In The Hand (Or...Vice Versa, As The Case May Be)

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Summary: Tim isn't as spontaneous as he likes to pretend, but the point is they're broadening their horizons again. [1,821 words]

CW: fisting


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the Broken!Verse masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 28 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Tim shoved his pants off and flopped back on the bed in just his boxers and sweatshirt, exhausted after a day of errands. Really, he thought he deserved a nap.

He woke up who knows how long later to gentle kisses on his lips and a warm hand running up and down the inside of one thigh.

"Hey baby," Jason murmured when he blinked his eyes open. "Good morning."


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