❌ #07| Of Blowjobs, Belts, and Bullets

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Summary: It only started with an after-patrol blowjob. Somehow things ended up somewhere else entirely. [2,331 words]

CW: beating with a belt


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the Broken!Verse masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 28 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:



There was a harsh banging on the window and both of them froze, looking over toward it. Tim had made good on his promise to get blackout curtains, however, so neither of them could see anything past them. The banging sounded again, louder, and Jason swore under his breath.

"I hate this fucking family."

"Just go make sure somebody's not dying and tell them to piss off."

Jason set down the belt and slipped on a pair of boxers, carefully slipping around the curtains rather than moving them to the side so Tim couldn't be seen. He unlocked the window and pushed it up, glaring at Dick, who was slumped on the fire escape in his Nightwing suit.

"What the fuck do you want."

"Lovely to see you too, Jason, thank you for the warm greeting, I'm really feeling the love. I just got shot and I would like to be let in so I could get stitched up before I bleed out. Thank you."

Jason assessed the hand clenched over Dick's blood-stained upper arm. "Alright. Stay out here for a second."

He locked the window again just in case Dick wasn't feeling particularly interested in following directions, and quickly went back to the bed, starting to untie Tim. "Dick got shot. Needs stitching up."

"Fuck," Tim said. "Why is it always at the worst times?"

Jason finished untying all his limbs, and tossed him boxers and a t-shirt before yanking on a shirt himself and going back to the window.

"Thank you for leaving me to bleed out on your fucking fire escape," Dick said, as soon as he opened the window again.

"You wouldn't have wanted to come in and you would've been a little bitch about what you saw."

"Ugh," Dick complained, climbing through the window. "Do you guys do nothing but fuck?"

"Why do you care? Sit down before you pass out." Jason pushed him down into Tim's desk chair and headed to the bathroom to get their first aid kit.

Dick's eyes wandered around the room until they finally landed on the bed, on the silk ropes and the belt still laying out on it. "Oh jesus," he said faintly. "A belt?"

Tim blushed and snatched it up, shoving it out of sight under the covers.

"Shut up, Dicholas," Jason said, as he came back into the room.


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