💚 #22| Discordant

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Summary: A lot of people — various bats, friends, acquaintances — asked Jason and Tim how on earth their relationship was like that. How they had managed to stay in the honeymoon phase seemingly indefinitely. Was it all the sex?

It wasn't. 

The secret was that they weren't in the honeymoon phase at all. Never had been, in fact. [1,879 words]


Jason closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and held it.

A lot of people, he reflected, asked him and Tim how on earth their relationship was like that. How they had managed to stay in the honeymoon phase seemingly indefinitely. Most of the bats had at some point or another, many of their friends, hell, random acquaintances had. 

Most of them assumed it was all the sex. It wasn't.

The real answer was that they weren't in their honeymoon phase at all — and never had been, in fact. The way their relationship had formed and finally morphed into something serious, they'd just...skipped right over that, never really had the chance.

Of course they were both very in love with each other, but that sure as hell wasn't the answer to the question either, because of course they also got on each other's nerves and pissed each other off sometimes. Of course they did, any relationship had conflict; any people who were around each other this often had conflict. But they had their ways of dealing with it without letting it escalate. Well, Jason had his ways; he actually had no idea how Tim dealt with it when Jason upset him. But Jason had a very good system, which (despite the apparent popular belief to the contrary) got a fair amount of use.

Like right now.

Because Tim was rambling, yet again, about the same stupid ass goddamn book series that had been turned into a show and all the differences, and Jason hadn't given a shit the first time he'd heard the fucking epic of a presentation on it, and he sure as hell didn't the fourth time. 

But. Jason hadn't gone through anger management and meditation classes all those years ago for nothing, and he'd gotten very good at noticing when he started to get frustrated and irritable, and just...stopping everything, and removing himself internally, giving himself some time to calm down, and then trying to sort through why and how to fix it. 

So he sat there and breathed and tried to tune everything else out for a long few moments until he felt more even. 


Well, first of all, Tim wasn't doing it on purpose. That didn't really make him feel better though.

He was...well...he wasn't even mad that Tim wasn't paying attention enough to know he'd already subjected Jason to this in-depth lecture three times. That would be one thing, if Jason was hurt that Tim wasn't paying attention to him, but he...didn't really care. He was well used to that sort of thing; it was just how Tim was with some things. What bothered him was really just that he didn't care about what was being talked about, and it was such a long fucking talk about it, and did he mention that he didn't fucking care?

Okay, so maybe he was being kind of a dick, but it was his own head, he was allowed to. 

Tim would probably be really hurt to know what he was thinking though. 


He should probably try not to be a dick. Fuckin'...UGH.

So fine, fine, not being a dick. He loved Tim and wanted him to be happy (even if he was annoying as shit sometimes) and that meant he loved every part of him. And...well, his passion would need to be taken away if Jason really wanted him to never be annoying like this, and he could never want that. Tim's passion was one of the things Jason loved most about him — yes, even when he took it to obsession, because that was just Tim, he just had an obsessive personality. And Jason loved that. Because he loved Tim.

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